Epilogue 2

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***5 years later***

***Victoria's POV***

I walked into my bedroom after hearing a loud thump followed by a muffled giggle. I slowly pushed the door open only to find my four-year old daughter trying to stand but finding difficult because of her attire.

"Olivia, what are you doing?" I asked as she finally stood up and look up at me.

The little girl giggled looking down at her small feet.

I held back a laugh looking down at the way her feet were buried in my red pumps, the blouse she wore looking like a mini dress on her and revealing her own clothes underneath, the necklace going all the way down her stomach and the yellow purse she was holding.

She grinned straightening up. "I'm you, mommy."

I did let out a laugh this time staring at my daughter who had a cheeky grin on her face but stayed still in the middle of the room.

"Why don't you come here so I can take a closer look at you?" I asked amused by the way she was slowly shifting.

"I can't walk. The shoes are too big." She pouted looking back down at her feet. "I want one of my size."

I chuckled making my way to her and moved down to her height.

I grabbed the purse from her placing it down. "Yeah. Let's just give your daddy a heart attack."

"Grandpa said that I can always get whatever I want." I pouted placing a hand on my arm.

I slowly removed the necklace from her and looked at her pouting face. "Well I can assure you that your grandpa didn't think that when your aunt Elena was your age."

"Well that's because I'm his favorite."

"Yes, you are. Come here." I smiled lifting her up a little to get her out of those shoes.

I then took my blouse off her and set it on the bed.

"Where's your father?" I asked looking around the room.

They were in here together a few minutes ago.

"Uncle Seb called him about work. Daddy said it won't take long." Olivia said grabbing the purse to hand it to me.

"So, you decided to wait for him by wearing my clothes."

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes."

I grabbed my clothes and went to the closet to put everything back. When I walked back to the bedroom, she was still standing on her spot waiting for me.

"We're watching a movie, right?" She asked jumping as she followed me out of the bedroom.

"We are, as soon as your father's done." I said walking back into the nursery.

"Hi Bryan!" She smiled walking faster into the room and went to stand in from of the crib looking at her eight-months old brother.

I was just done feeding Bryan when I heard Olivia's activities in my room. And being the quiet baby he usually is, he wouldn't be bothered if I left him here a few minutes to check on his sister.

Unlike Olivia, who has been the most demanding baby I've ever seen, always demanding everybody's attention.

I looked at Bryan, who looked from his sister and toward me as I walked in. "Hi, sweetheart."

He held onto his crib to be able to stand on his two short legs. He looked up at me and started babbling as a big smile appeared on his face, showing the tiny only two teeth he had. I picked him and held him close to me as he made a small sound.

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