Chapter 8

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I couldn't stop thinking about the flowers my mother received.

The black cat.

What kind of man would she call 'the black cat'? And she obviously knew him. But if she does, who is he?

And should I be worried? I didn't know what he wanted. And why being so sneaky.

If he had good intentions, he wouldn't need to hide himself from the cameras or sneak around.


I jumped slightly before looking at Jason.

"What is wrong with you? Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" He said slightly annoyed.

I let out a breath. "I'm sorry. I wasn't. Can you repeat please?"

"I'm not going to when you're obviously somewhere else." He said. "Is there something wrong?"

"No. Just please repeat. I'll listen this time."

"No. Tell me."

I huffed. "Jason drop it."

"Tell me." He repeated and I leaned back with a sigh.

He's not going to drop it.

"It's nothing important."

"You need to trust me." He said with a serious look.

"I do trust you."

"No you don't. It's not just you and your mom anymore. You know that right?" He asked standing up.

"I know."

He sat on the desk in front of me.

"Then talk to me."

"There is nothing to talk about." I responded and he gave me an annoyed look. "Why would you want something to be wrong?"

"Then why weren't you listening?"

I laughed lightly. "I was just thinking about something."


"Jason, are you going to repeat what you were saying?"

He didn't answer and just kept his annoyed look on me. "Tell me."

"Someone went to see my mom at the hospital and gave her flowers. And apparently she knows him." I explained knowing that he won't let it go.

"Who? Do you have a name?"

"She said 'the black cat'". I sighed.

"Your mom really loves code names." He said. "What about the cameras?"

"They couldn't see his face."

"Do you want me to look into it?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Don't worry about it. I'll handle it." I smiled lightly.

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now