Chapter 20

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** Third Person **

"You have a beautiful daughter, Rose." Kevin smirked staring at the slightly shaking woman in front of him. "You know I went to see her the night we had our little talk. She looks like Steve."

Rose just stared at him not saying a word. She couldn't.

"Why are you shaking? Are you scared of me?" He asked looking offended. "I just came to talk to you about your daughter."

The woman just shook her head violently as he sat on the couch staring at her. "N... No."

"Why not? She's been a naughty girl. She doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut. I told her not to tell them."

She just kept shaking her head while her eyes stayed on her lap.

Kevin kissed his teeth staring at her. "Calm down. I said I just wanted to talk. Didn't you teach her how to keep secrets?"

She didn't answer and starts mumbling under her breath.

"She should know how to keep secrets. Since you're good at it. Probably why you lost your mind."

She didn't respond and just kept her eyes down, trying to fight images starting to form in her her head.

"Stop lying to your daughter."

She just shook her head mumbling the word 'no' over and over again.

"I'm sure Steve would have done a better job raising her." He smirked when she suddenly stopped shaking her head. "He would know how to handle his daughter."

"S... She is my daughter."

"But she is also his."

She started shaking her head again. "No. She is mine. She is my little girl."

Kevin chuckled. "You couldn't have conceived her by yourself. I'm sure you didn't even tell her about Steve. And he has always been good to you."

"N... No. He was a demon. He wasn't good. He was a demon." She said as tears start falling from her eyes. "He won't take her away."

"Isn't she old enough to decide, you crazy bitch? You lied to your daughter just because your crazy mind sees Steve as a demon." He said letting out a mocking laugh. "You're nuts."

"She's my little girl. Not the demon's." She repeated.

"Yes she is. But you didn't conceive alone, did you? Tell her the truth if you're sane enough to know what's true from what's isn't."

"She is just mine."

Kevin just laughed standing up. "Keep telling yourself that. I'll see you soon Rose."

** Victoria's POV **

"You don't need to come with me." I said as I heard him slam his door shut and start following me.

"Don't piss me off, Victoria." He mumbled and I just rolled my eyes walking toward the elevator.

I let out a breath when it opened almost as soon as soon as I pressed the button. I stepped in and pressed my floor.

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now