Chapter 37

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"Four hours." Seb muttered. "Four fucking hours. I couldn't take it anymore." He hissed as soon as we walked out of the door.

"It's over now." I smiled looking at my phones for messages or calls.

"Yeah. After four hours, I'm starving. Let's go." He grabbed my hand and literally started dragging me away.

"Hey, slow down. I'm gonna fall." I pulled my hand away and stopped.

"Victoria I'm really hungry. Let's go." He grunted trying to grab my arm but I slapped his hand away.

"Where is your brother? Aren't we waiting?" I asked confused looking around.

Jason went at a different meeting, but I thought he would even finish before us, because these were only three other people with him.

"Please, I'm hungry. He's a big boy. He'll manage." He said looking like he was about to loose it.

"Fine." I grunted before he started dragging me again.

I followed while taking out my phone to text Jason that we were leaving to go have lunch, incase he starts looking for us.


"Jason." I gasped dripping my purse when I walked into suite to find him pacing. "You scared me. And I tried calling you."

"Yeah. The meeting ended late."

I nodded picking purse that I dropped on the floor. "Did you eat?"


I furrowed my eyebrows confused by his mood. He looked tensed. He could be grumpy, but not tensed like this.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly walking closer to him.

He opened his mouth and was about to speak when his phone started ringing. He huffed and looked at the caller.

"You can take it. Let me put my shoes on and then we can talk." I smiled before walking to the bedroom.

I took my shoes off followed by my earrings and went back to the door. Jason was still on the phone with his back facing me so I just waited there.

"I'm gonna tell her now, okay? I'll call you back." He whispered before hanging up.

I walked closer to him felling confused.

What was he talking about? Tell what to who?

"Tell what to who?" I asked walking out of the room as he turned to face me.

He didn't answer and visibly tightened his grip on the phone. I looked at him expectingly, hoping he was talking about me and hiding something from me again.


"Sit down."

So this is about me.

"What is it?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "Is it about my mother?"

I suddenly felt agitated at the thought of this being about my mother.

"What? Is it about my mother?" I asked hesitantly.

"She had an accident. My mother said she was brought to the hospital." I didn't even wait for the end of his sentence before I ran back to the room grabbing my suitcase and started carelessly shoving things inside.

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now