Chapter 11 - Afraid Closure

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Tomoki's POV

I was in my room studying about cultures when my door opened, revealing my father, wearing his usual suit

"Tomoki, I would like to speak with you for a moment." I nodded, placing a bookmark on the page I was on before closing it

"What is it?" He sat down on the bed with a deep sigh

"You remember Eclair, correct?"

"Yeah, my almost sister-in-law if she wasn't stood up." I stated and he nodded

"It has come to my attention that her younger brother is coming to Ouran academy, and I would like you to be his navigator." I nodded

"Understood, when is he coming?"

"2 weeks from now, his name is Alphonse Tonnerre, and if all goes well, me and his parents would like to put both of you in a arrange marriage together, but that's if all goes well." He stood up, dusting imaginary dust off his pants

"Thank you for your time, Tomoki." He walked out, shutting the door in the process. The pencil I was holding in my hand was shaking, and soon broke in anger. I threw the broken pencil at the wall in rage

"DAMN IT!" I yelled in a whisper, tears springing to my eyes 'Why?! Why is father doing this?!' I tried to come up with a answer but there was to many of them that made sense that I couldn't get to the conclusion

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!" I kicked my desk, instantly regretting it when I felt a surge of pain crawl up my leg from my right foot

"Ow, ow, ow!" I fell on the floor, holding onto my foot in pain

"Why did I do that?" I asked myself, I'm such a idiot! After the pain subsided, but I bet there was a bruise forming on my foot now, I got up from the floor and walked over to the door and headed towards one of the many bathrooms except this one held medical supplies. On my way there, many maids asked me I was okay and I would brush them off saying of how I just got a blister from my desk, which was half true. I was about to enter the bathroom when Tamaki saw me

"Tomoki!" He called out to me and I cursed profanities under neath my breath. I heard him run towards me, probably still wearing his school uniform

"What are you do- You're bleeding..." Huh? I looked down at my foot to see I was indeed bleeding and it was soaking through my white sock

"I must have hit it harder than I thought." I mumbled to myself, but Tamaki heard it

"Come on, I will help you." He grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me into the bathroom. He shut the door behind him and picked me up, setting me on the island. He slowly took off my sock causing me to hiss in pain from the fabric rubbing against the wound

"Ruined that pair of socks." He threw the bloody sock away in the trash canister before wetting a wash cloth to clean up the blood

"What happened? I heard you yelling in your room which is not normal for you." He asked me while I stayed silent, my eyes glued onto my hands. He grabbed some antibiotics and dabbed some of it onto a new rag that didn't have the blood on it. He slowly dabbed it onto my wound on my foot, which was a gash that would have fit perfectly to my mechanical pull out secondary desk, which is what I guess I kicked

"You can tell me you know, I won't tell anybody of this incident, especially not Grandmother." He told me, wrapping my foot up in a bandage before tying it tightly

"There, all don-" I lunged towards him, wrapping my arms around his and burying my face into his chest as I cried. I felt him stiffen in shock at my sudden action, not used to me hugging him

"Tomoki?" He asked in question and worry. He sighed softly before wrapping his arms around me and hugging me back

"H-He... H-He-"

"Shhh, it's okay, it's going to be okay..." He soothed me, rubbing my back to try and calm me down. After a few minutes of me crying and soaking Tamaki's shirt, I gently pulled away, wiping my eyes from any stray tears

"What's going on? I have never seen you so upset before." Tamaki asked me and I hiccuped

"Tamaki, please don't get mad when I tell you." I told him, slowly looking up at him

"Why would I get mad?"

"Just tell me you won't get mad." I asked of him and he nodded slowly

"Father arranged a marriage between me and Alphonse Tonnerre." His eyes widened in shock

"You mean-.... Eclair's brother?" I nodded my head in confirmation

"Yes, I kicked my desk in anger, which is why my foot was injured because of my emotions taking control of me." I told him, now noticing he was shaking in anger

"I'm gonna kill him!" Tamaki declared, now in full big brother protective mode

"You can't, no matter what we do, it won't change his mind, trust me on this. He may have said to me if all goes well but I know full well that he was lying." Tamaki let out a growl in rage

"When is the brat coming?!"

"2 weeks from now, and he is attending Ouran and I'm supposed to be his navigator." I explained to him

"Damn it!" I sighed, running my hand down my face in anguish

"Tamaki, I'm afraid of what is going to happen. I'm afraid of being alone with someone I don't love and barely know."

To Be continued

Ello! I know I know, you have been waiting for this chapter for a long time but I kinda took a break from Quotev for a little bit because I'm not so enthusiastic about it as I was 2 years ago, huh, so this is what old age does to ya. Also, I am slowly getting better, I still have sort of a cough and I'm practically getting everyone sick but whatevs, they blame stuff on me anyways *Shrugs*. Sooo... I revealed one of Tomoki's Fears! She is afraid of being truly alone, which I'm pretty sure I have the exact same fear, I don't know. Also there is another fear which I included into the book for one of you guys, so thank you for giving me this brand new idea! I'm sorry I forgot what your name was you gave me the idea a few weeks ago I believe, and I suck with names . Also, Drama, mhmmm! Tomoki has a suitor and probably fiance if all goes well, hehehe... Don't worry about Alphonse tho, because I got plans for him, and I ain't telling you guys about them! Before I bore you guys to death, the comment goal for the next chapter will be 17+ Comments! Because 20 Comments was a little overboard because I went on a Quotev Break and such, plus I didn't feel like writing at the time, someone always sets me off in a bad mood, not you guys, my family. Okay, no tears for me or sympathy, let me know down in the comments of what you thought of the chapter and the interaction before Tomoki and Tamaki! Remember, 17+ Comments for more! -Golden

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