Chapter 8 - Host Talk

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Tomoki's POV

I was led into the Music Room to see Mitsukuni and Takashi sitting on the main couch, eating cake silently. I glanced over to see Kyoya was scribbling something in his little book of his while the two idiotic twins tried getting a good look at it to see what was inside. I huffed when I realized I was surrounded by idiots... Except for Haruhi, she's an exception

"Tomo-Chan~!" I cringed when I heard Mitsukuni yell. He quickly ran over to me and jumped on me, hugging me tightly having me groan

"You have got to be kidding me..." I mumbled to myself, but Mitsukuni didn't hear it

"Do you want to eat some cake with me?" He asked me and I froze. I sneered at him, having him cower back and jump off of me, hiding behind Takashi. Tamaki stared sadly at me before sighing, running a hand through his hair

"Tomoki, these are my friends."

"I can tell, they are idiotic like you." He went into his little corner and I groaned


"Haru-Chan, do you want to hold Usa-Chan for me?" Mitsukuni asked Haruhi who nodded and was handed a stuffed bunny

"I'm Mitsukuni Haninozuka but you can just call me Honey!" Mitsukuni stated cheerily

"I'd rather just call you Mitsukuni instead of a ingredient."

"Aww... Oh! This Takashi but he likes being called Mori!" I rolled my eyes and nodded

"Ahem, sorry about that." Tamaki came back over

"Done growing mushrooms?" I asked him and he playfully glared at me while I smirked

"Matter of fact I am! Anyways, off point here, we are here to ask you something." I raised an eyebrow at him

"Since you know Haruhi's secret of her being a girl instead of a boy! You Tomoki Suoh must join the Host Club as the first Hostess!!" Tamaki dramatically stated, pointing at me


"You have to, club rules!"

"I'm not even in the club so how does those rules apply to me?" I asked him and he frowned

"So mean..."

"Miss Suoh, you did barge in during Club Hours without signing your name and choosing exactly what Host you wanted to visit." I froze and gave Kyoya a icy glare, he gave me one back, his glasses tinting in the light

"Oh! You also broke a classmate's jaw today!" Tamaki pointed out and I sent my icy glare towards him

"Wait, she broke a dude's jaw?" Kaoru asked

"Yep, apparently they were starting a fight and Tomoki ended it." I heard Haruhi state

"Scary..." Both of the twins whispered and I sighed, shaking my head

"Both of those had reason, so why should I-"

"EEHHHEHHE!" I jumped out of my skin when I heard a motor running and saw a pedestal being lifted from the ground, a girl wearing the girl's school uniform was placed on top of the pedestal, laughing maniacally with her hands on her hips

"You! This is like in a Story Book, a girl who has had a rough past but soon enough she will find her true love when she enters the academy, being dragged along on a adventure of a lifetime with her true love! But, she must face her past while her older brother must regain his sister's love and trust-"

"Would ya keep your yapping and nonsense to yourself lady?" I caught her off and she glared at me, if looks could kill, everyone else around me would be dead, or is that wrong?

"Hmph, names Renge Houshakuji the Manager of the Host Club here at Ouran Academy and you!" She pointed her finger towards me dramatically, she reminds me of a word....

"Tomoki Suoh shall listen to me, now..." She started blabber on and on while I started think of the word

"Idiotic? No... That's too easy..."

"Be like Haruhi who took on the role of a Host right away!"

"Because I had no choice!" Haruhi defended herself

"Loud... Idiotic and Loud mixed together, lovestruck? Well she does keep glancing over in Kyoya's direction sooo...."

"So you must take matters in your own hands like a lady-!"

"Dumbass Obnoxious Lovestruck Little Fangirl!" I yelled slapping my hands together causing the room to go silent, only the twins laughter could be heard in the room


"Why thank you, Madam, I do try my best." I playfully bowed at her and her face turned red in anger

"What? You did tell me to act like a lady?" Haruhi caught herself from laughing while the twins rolled on the floor, barreling in laughter

"Why you-!"

"Renge, it's time for you to be off to class, don't want to be late, now?" Kyoya caught her off, having her eyes turn into hearts when Kyoya called her by her first name

"Why of course, cya my love!" The pedestal thing came back down and once it did Renge ran out of the room, to class I think

"That... Was.... Priceless, and I thought you didn't have a sense of humor Tomoki!" Hikaru huffed out, out of breath from laughing so much

"I guess it was pretty funny..." I thought to myself, my finger on my chin, thinking about it

"Renge's face was so red and was fuming in anger, I swear I saw smoke coming out of her ears and nose!" Kaoru stated

"That was awesome Tomo-Chan! No one has ever said that to Ren-Chan like that!"


"Poor Renge, at least it was funny while it lasted, but I think you really hurt her, Tomoki."

"Nah, she's fine Haruhi, Kyoya came over and saved his damsel in distress!" Hikaru stared cheekily while Kyoya sighed before sending a glare towards him, shadows appearing around him

"Eeek! Shadow King!"

"Kyoya-Senpai, please don't hurt them."

"What's stopping me?" A smile escaped my lips when I couldn't bottle in my laughter anymore. I started giggle like crazy, catching everyone off guard, because they turned pale. I tried to cover my mouth to stop the giggles from evaporating out of my throat

"Is she... Giggling?" My giggling turned into full blown laughter which I had no absolute control over

"Now she's laughing."

"Aww, Tomo-Chan sounds so cute when she laughs!" After a few moments I finally calmed down from laughing so much, wiping a tear that escaped my eye I looked up at the others who were staring at me


"I haven't seen you smile, or laugh in years." Tamaki told me and I blushed






To Be continued  

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