Chapter 22 - Physical Exams Part 1

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Tomoki's POV (7 Days till Alphonse Tonnerre arrives...)

"Tomoki, I just got a call from Mr. Tonnerre, he is requesting that we shall have the wedding in 5 months, are we clear?" Grandmother suddenly piped up, having me nod stiffly before finishing my breakfast. I got up from my seat and grabbed my book bag, swinging it over my shoulder. I heard a 'meow' and looked down to see Alex looking up at me, her head tilted to the side. I crouched down and softly petted her head before walking away. I headed out to the limo, walking down the steps only to see Tamaki running right past me, in a hurry

"Why are you in a hurry for?" I asked him curiously. He turned around swiftly, grabbing onto my upper arm and dragged me to the limo

"We are going to be late!" Tamaki stated having me roll my eyes

"Baka, we still have half an hour to get to school." I stated, him opening the limo door and pushing me in before getting in himself

"Today is Physical Exams! I have to be worried about my daughter's safety!" Tamaki stated jittery. I rolled my eyes at him again, already knowing about this information

"Yeah, so?" I asked him

"Last year's Physical Exam was almost a disaster due to her almost being found out by an imposter doctor!" Tamaki exclaimed having me groan

"You're so annoying." I grumbled to myself before looking out the window, Tamaki still freaking out beside me as we headed off to school.

(Time Skip)

When we arrived, we walked into school and headed to our classes to get our lessons done for today before the Exam. I walked into my classroom to see many already in there, chatting up a storm about what will be going on today and such. I headed towards my seat before sitting down and setting my bag down next to my feet, getting the essentials I will need. From the corner of my eye I saw the twins walk in, Haruhi trailing behind them engrossed into a book that I couldn't read the title of. Me being me, I finally realized why I couldn't make out the words. I cursed to myself, totally forgetting that I didn't put my contacts in earlier today. I groaned throwing my head back in dismay

"You have got to be kidding me.." I muttered to myself, rubbing my face

"What's wrong Tomoki?" Haruhi asked me, noticing the look on my face

"I forgot to put my contacts in today.." I answered simply. Why today?! It just had to be the day of Physical Exams didn't?!

"What are you?"

"Near-Sighted. Can't see far away." I answered her. She began rummaging through her bag, seeming to be looking for something. She then pulled out a glasses case and handed it to me

"Here. I'm Near-Sighted as well, so hopefully this will help a little bit. Be careful when putting them on, they may be too strong for your eyes at first." She warned me as I opened the case to see a pair of brown round glasses

"Thanks I guess. I never took your for one to wear contacts." I told her honestly, slowly putting them on, letting my eyes adjust to them

"I was given contacts when I joined the Host Club." Haruhi told me with a smile. I nodded at her in thanks. The bell rung, signalling class was about to begin. I put Haruhi's Glasses Case into my bag before zipping it up and turning my attention onto the teacher who began teaching us the lecture. My vision was still a little hazy but at least I could read the words she was writing on the board.

(Time Skip to Physical Exams)

We were guided out of the classroom, heading towards the end of the Academy of where we would be taking our Physical Exams. I sighed, crossing my arms as the twins talked to me, explaining about how the Physical Exams were considering I have been to one of these before

"Also the Doctors and Nurses who are partaking into the Exam are from the Ootori Group, Kyoya's Family. So you have nothing to worry about." Kaoru stated, smiling at me in reassurance as if I was nervous about them. When in reality I wasn't. I already knew my weight, height, bra size, what I'm allergic to, what my sight my eyes were. So I have nothing to worry about. It's not like a random disease would be found in my system today, because I knew that I haven't been around any toxic waste or any of the sort. Unless you count being around idiots all day as toxic waste. Up ahead I saw many students from different classrooms huddled up in front of two grand doors, signalling to me this is where it was being held. We stopped when we arrived at the group of students, me instantly spotting my brother and Kyoya standing next to each other, waiting for the doors to open. I rolled my eyes when the doors finally opened, wanting to get this over with so we could go back to class. We entered, immediately seeing lined up Doctors and Nurses on either side of us standing efficiently in a straight line, giving us enough space for us to walk through them. I heard a chorus of 'Welcomes' from them, giving me deja vue thinking it was the Host Club. I shook my head, gotta stop thinking about that club full of idiots! The only person there who is tolerable is Haruhi, but mostly because she is kinda like me in some ways. From the corner of my eyes I saw a Nurse walk up to me, her hands neatly in front of her in a clasp. She bowed at me

"May you come this way with me, Miss Tomoki Suoh. Your father and grandmother requested your Exam to be private away from sight of other's prying eyes," The Nurse informed me having me nod stiffly. My eyes traveled to her name plate, Nurse Humiko Sorai, I read satisfied when hearing her last name was Sorai. I followed after her as we passed many Private Rooms on the Girl's Side. She stopped, opening a door on my left before walking through the doorway, standing off to the side so I would be able to get in. She closed the door behind me and locked it for extra measure in-case a pervert decides to bust in through the door during my exam. She pointed over to a changing stall with a curtain

"You may strip into your undergarments in there if you may. It is protocol to all Private Exams so your uniform doesn't add extra weight when I weight you." I nodded in understanding before heading into the changing room, quickly stripping down before opening the curtain up again and walked towards her where she was waiting by the scale

"May I have you glasses?" She asked me and I nodded, handing her Haruhi's Glasses. She motioned me to step onto the scale. Once I stepped onto the scale she began writing down my weight and what height I was

"Hmm, you're a little underweight but that is expected. So far so good. If you want to you can go back and change into your uniform if you're feeling uncomfortable." I nodded, stepping off of the scale

"I would rather not, besides you still have to check my chest size."

"Oh why yes! How could I forget about that little detail!" She told me in embarrassment, having my eyes turn into slits as she handed me back my glasses. This woman has now become suspicious to me.

To Be continued

Heyo! So I made a extra long chapter for you guys due to me being gone for like a week XD. Also I'm going camping during this weekend where there would be no Wifi for me to access so I wouldn't be able to update. I could if I got a new computer (It went zip a couple of months ago so I have been using my Dad's Old computer ever since, well, I'm using my Dad's hard-drive that was put into my Mom's Old Computer. Confusing? Very much so) So due to that little predicament, I am updating today, well all of the stories that I can so you guys would get a update while I'm gone. Now, Physical Exams! I got a idea for this chapter because Vaermina has to get a Physical for both her permit and a job so I decided this would be a good chapter to do. Now, to those of you who don't know, Sorai is actually short for a famous Doctor family called Ogyu~Sorai that was pretty famous for their practice during many centuries, mostly everyone in that family were Doctors. BAM! HISTORY! This is what I do in my spare time.... Which I don't regret not one bit! So when Tomoki saw that the Nurse's Last Name was 'Sorai' she immediately knew that she was in good hands. Except, that the tiny mistake the nurse made. Forgetting one of the crucial procedures in checking Tomoki's Chest Size, why is it crucial? Because if they are too big or too small, they may not be able to Booby Feed (Ha, booby.... Sorry I'm immature) a baby in the future. BAM! KNOWLEDGE! I'm so good at this XD. So this gives off warning something isn't right in Tomoki's mind, because even SHE knew this information. Leave comments down below if Tomoki should be worried about who 'Nurse Humiko Sorai' really is. Please let me know! I would really appreciate it Sapphires! So that's enough for today, thank you all for reading and for the next update it will be 9+ Comments! If you have any questions about this chapter please let me know and I will answer them as best as I can without revealing anything that may be too crucial to the plot. See ya later Sapphires! -Golden

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