Chapter 6 - Haruhi's Questions

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Haruhi's POV

"I'm heading off to town, Dad!" I yelled to Dad who was currently getting dressed to go to work

"Alright sweetie! Just be careful!" I nodded, smiling to myself before leaving the apartment we live in. Today is Saturday so I decided I could get next week's food shopping done and over so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. I was walking down the street when my neighbor stopped me

"Are your rich friends still bothering you?" She asked me, remembering the last incident

"I'm quite used to them actually, so no, they haven't been, I appreciate your concern for me Mrs. Lonary." I bowed to her in thanks and she did the same

"Very well, if you ever need help with anything my dear, don't be afraid to ask." I nodded and she beckoned for me to carry on to my shopping trip. Once I was out of sight of her, I began to think of them, more importantly Tomoki. I can easily tell that they are related, they have the same features, except that Tomoki has blue eyes and she isn't like Tamaki. Now that I think about it, Tamaki did tell us that she has had a rough life, taken away from her mother when she was 8 1/2 years old and Tamaki was merely 14 at the time. But I wonder why she acts that way towards Tamaki, is she disappointed in him? But for whatever reason is the question. I have only met her once, and that's when she hit Tamaki. I was pushed out of my thoughts by so one running into me, having me drop my groceries I was going to purchase, them falling out of the basket

"I'm so sorry-" I looked up, recognizing that voice, once I did, I was met with blue eyes and I instantly knew who it was and why she was called a Butterfly, because of her eyes. They held a pattern like a butterfly's wing. She was wearing a black light jacket and dark skinny jean pants, her hair was down which was a surprise for me, from what I heard from Tamaki, she only has her hair up in a ponytail. The hood of the black light jacket was up, looking shady as ever since we are currently in a store

"Tomoki?" I asked her and her eyes widened. She hurriedly helped me pick my groceries up and put them in the basket, she stood up, handing them harshly to me

"How the hell do you know my name?" She asked me, her eyes no longer showing any signs of the emotion from before which was concern

"I-I'm in the club with your brother, I work as a host there." I told her, now feeling nervous around her, how is she suddenly able to make people feel this way?

"Hmph, Crossdresser.." She mumbled to herself

"No, No! I'm not a Cross dresser, I was just mistaken to be a boy when we first met is all! Plus I accidentally broke a valuable vase so I'm still in the club to pay off my debt-" She handed me a stack of money, well threw it in my basket

"Then take that, I don't need it, you do. You're probably tired of his antics already, so take that to him and say you have paid off your debt, I know how he can be, persistent and a idiot." She told me, my eyes wide in shock. She began to walk away, stuffing her hands in her pocket

"Wait! I don't need this money, I love it there." She stopped in her tracks, turning around to face me

"How so?"

"I can't really explain it, but, I have grown to love it there, enjoying myself for the first time in years." I told her, walking towards her, and handed the money back to her

"But, I do want something, something you can give me." I told her and she raised an eyebrow at me

"Answers, answers as to why you're this way, you can tell me little by little, Tomoki." I told her and she sighed, looking around

"Fine, think of it as payment of me showing interest in you and bumping into you like that." I nodded

"But not here, to many people around, plus, too many fanboys." She glanced over at a corner, my line of sight following after to see boy huddled together, drooling

"Are you a celebrity or something."

"Something like that, been tailing me since I started to go to Ouran, let's go pay for your stuff." She told me and I nodded, following after her towards the registers.

(Time Skip)

"So, what did you want to know?" She asked me, sipping on some tea I made for her. We were currently in my apartment, the only place we could find that didn't have her 'fanboys' after her

"First, what were you doing in a store for commoners like me?" I asked her and she choked on her tea and started to hit her chest, obviously caught off guard

"Buying some things, like paper and pencils, since I'm not aloud to." Wait, what?

"I tend to draw people from my past that I have seen from dreams, my grandmother prohibited me from drawing, but I never stopped, when she had her back turned, I would doodle on my hand. I soon got tired of that, and began to go to stores that weren't meant for the wealthy, hence why I ran into you there." She explained

"Oh, so I see, even you have boundaries." She nodded and sighed, sipping on her tea once more

"But I'm used to it, grandmother always told me that I was going to be taught right for now on, saying that I would be married off to a prince who would never know about my 'dirty blood'." 

"Dirty blood?" She lightly laughed, shaking her head as if laughing from a memory. That was the first time I heard her laugh, even though it was just lightly

"She used to always call us that after me and Tamaki were moved to Japan, saying of how our mother was a dirty wench." 

"That's terrible."

"It kinda is, but after some time, I started to believe her, I thought about it, why would my mother trade me off to my father along with Tamaki, I never found the answer to that question, and I'm still searching, so she might be a dirty wench, or not." She ran her hands through her hair, sighing to herself

"Funny of how things turned out from my carefree life." She thought aloud 

"Can I ask you another question?"

"You have a mouth do you?" I cringed at her rudeness and she sighed again, looking up at me

"Sorry, I'm just used to grandmother saying that to me when I say something like that, saying how it was 'Proper' and shit like that." I nodded in understandment

"And yes, you may, go ahead." I took a deep breath

"Why do you treat Tamaki like you do?"

To Be continued  

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