Chapter 26 - 7 Hosts and one grumpy Suoh, to the Amusement Park! Part 1

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Tomoki's POV (3 Days till Alphonse Arrives...)

"Wakey wakey." I heard someone whisper into my ear, lightly shaking me. I groaned and rolled over, putting covers over my head

"Boss, is she always like this? I always thought of her as a early riser." I heard someone say that sounded a lot like Hikaru

"She must have stayed up late last night studying." The person, who I now recognize as Tamaki, concluded

"Come on Tomo-Chan! Wake up!" I heard Mitsukuni yelled out, jumping onto my bed bouncing me a little in the process. I groaned, shoving my face into my pillow

"Fuck off." I mumbled into my pillow sleepily, just wanting them to go away and leave me to sleep in peace!

"Aww, that isn't nice. Men, Operation: Get Tomoki Suoh up without her killing us, start!" Where the hell is my pocket knife? I could really use it right now....

"Yes sir!" I froze up when I heard a case being opened, don't you dare-

"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!" I jumped up out of bed, grabbed hold of my flute that was being played by Kaoru and smacked him on the head with it angrily


"Asswhole..." I muttered to myself, wiping off my flute with my top

"Woohoo! She didn't kill us!" The twins yelled happily having Haruhi roll their eyes at them

"I didn't have my pocket knife of me so you guys were in luck." They both froze up once they heard that and slowly inched behind Takashi who was just blankly staring off into the distance. I soon felt Tamaki's arm swing over my shoulder, crashing me into his side

"Don't worry men! She wouldn't even hurt a fly-" I saw a fly buzzing towards me and Tamaki so I whacked it with my flute, sending it out of my now opened window that Tamaki probably opened earlier before trying to wake me up

"Nevermind..." I sighed, rubbing my eyes tiredly

"What do you guys want anyway? At-" I stopped, my eyes widening at the time

"Shit! Grandmother is going to kill me!" I tried prying myself away from Tamaki, only for his grip to tighten

"Don't worry, Tomo. Grandmother cancelled your lessons for today due to her having a last minute meeting." I sighed in relief then realized he called me 'Tomo'. I glared at him and smacked his chest hard having him hiss in pain lightly

"Again, what do you guys want?" I asked only for Kyoya to answer

"We are heading to the new Amusement Park that was just built last week and hence there is no school today. Me and Tamaki decided to go on a free day for the Host Club." I rolled my eyes, great amusement parks...

"And why are you guys wishing for death?" I asked them, looking over at the twins that now stood by Takashi, thinking that I was not a threat to them since I was being held by Tamaki against my will. I hate older brothers...

"Because Boss told us that you have never been to an Amusement Park before..." Hikaru started

"...And we were thinking of taking you along so you would be able to experience the wonderful things at Amusement Parks!" Kaoru finished and I sighed

"Do I have to?"

"Yes." Everyone answered simultaneously. I groaned out loud, not wanting to go

"Tomoki, think of it this way. You have nothing else to do today, there are many things you can explore that you haven't ever seen before, this is the last day the park is going to be opened, so this is your last opportunity to go. So how about it?" Haruhi asked me and I thought for a moment. I was going to do some research on who Alphonse associates himself with today after Music Lessons with Grandmother but.... That can wait till tonight, can it?


"Yay! Tomo-Chan is coming with us!"


"Alright everyone, let's go-"

"I'm still in my pajamas!"

"Oh right, everyone out the door to leave Tomoki to get changed!" Everyone except Tamaki left the room, leaving me and Tamaki alone. He turned towards me, getting off of my bed

"Tomoki, this may be the last night you will ever be free, don't forget that." He leaned down and kissed my forehead before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. That's right, 3 days until I meet Alphonse James Lyon Tonnerre, 3 days until I become engaged to him.

To Be continued

Heyo Sapphires! So I just got back from camp today from being out there for a week in a half and once I came back, I come back to see Quotev updated... Again.

Quotev, please stop updating, it's kinda getting hard to keep track!
They updated on the look of the making of chapters/editing of chapters... Again.
Seriously Quotev, what the actual hell are you suddenly getting bored and just decided to 'try' to make Quotev look more professional? Well, you suck at it, no offense.

They didn't really changed anything just the Title outlook of chapters and different options for your writing and such. It doesn't make much of a difference if I do say so myself. Enough of my ranting, let's talk about the chapter, I know you guys are getting worried that Kaoru (Who me and you guys chose going by the votes) and Tomoki won't get together in time before Alphonse arrives, that's why I'm making more chapters with the Host Club between the 3 days time period. And them going to an Amusement Park (Which I have never done before) will definitely show more Character Development with Tomoki and her relationships with the Hosts. That's about it I hope all of you enjoy and put in the Comments down below of what you guys would like to see next chapter, like what rides they would go on or games they would play hell even the food they would eat! It's up to you guys, 9+ Comments for more and I will see you all later! -Golden

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