Chapter 5 - What it used to be

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Tomoki's POV (FlashBack)

"Onii-Chan, when are you going to teach me how to play?" I asked big brother, tugging on his sleeve as he was practicing in writing

"Whenever I fully master it! Mom told me that I'm half way there, so don't worry, I will teach you soon." He told me, turning his head to look down at me

"Yay!" I cheered, fist pumping both of my fists into the air, giggling. I saw him smile at me with a soft gentle look in his eyes

"Kids! It's time for dinner!" I stopped my little victory dance before grabbing Tama-Chan's hand

"Come on, come on! Din din is ready!" I told him, he smiled at me, nodding. He got up from his seat, setting his pencil down before carefully putting me on his back as he jogged towards the dining room. I buried my face into the back of his neck, loving the way he always shone admiration through his eyes whenever he saw me, he has never yelled at me or called me 'annoying' like I heard other big brothers do to their little sisters. We finally made it to the dining room, to see Mommy chatting on the phone, seeming like she was in a very serious mood, sometimes Mommy would get like that when she is on the phone, I never found out why. Tama-Chan sat me down on my seat before getting on his own, which was on the left side of me. Infront of me was a plate with steak, carrots, a tiny cupquake on the side when I finish all of my vegetables, and of course, carrots. My favorite vegetable, I hate beans though, yuck! Mommy glanced over at us to see we were waiting for her to be done on the phone, she smiled at us gently

"Go ahead and eat before it gets cold darlings, Mommy will be there in a minute." Tama-Chan nodded, before digging into his steak, I glanced at his plate to see that he had a bigger steak than mine

"Aww, you gotta a bigger steak!" Tama-Chan chuckled, taking a bite of it

"I don't think your tiny body could handle this, you will get a bigger steak when you're older, don't worry." I nodded and stabbed my fork into a carrot, there were sliced by the way, before hungrily eating it. Once I swallowed it, Mommy yelled

"NO YOU'RE NOT ALOUD TO TAKE THEM FROM ME! GOOD BYE YUZURU!" She slamned the wall phone back into it's place, having me jump in fear

"Mom, who was that?" Tama-Chan asked her, concerned. Mommy sighed, running her hands through her hair, trying to calm herself down, but I don't think she ever did, even when she walked over to us. She stood behind us before wrapping her arms around us, tightly as if we were ever going to disappear

"Mommy?" I asked her as she kissed the top of my head then Tama-Chan's

"Don't worry my children, I will never let him take you away from me..." Who was him?

(Another Memory)

Today Mommy got another call again, and from what I heard from upstairs. Tama-Chan told me not to come downstairs until all of this is over, so I didn't have to see Mommy upset. So I agreed, but I still want to go downstairs and comfort Mommy! If Mommy is upset, then someone has to be there to comfort her, no one deserves to be alone! I heard a car pull into the parking lot of the manor, having me jump out of my thoughts. I walked to the window in my room to see it wasn't just a car, but a limo! Mommy told me that people who own limos are rich, but since Mommy doesn't own any limos, she isn't that rich, she told me she is using money from someone from her past, whatever that means. A man got out of the limo, along with a old wrinkled woman who seemed nice but I kinda heard her yelling at the man about something. I hurriedly ran to the door and down the steps to hear that Mommy wasn't yelling anymore or no loud sobs coming from the dining room where the phone is at. The doorbell rung, signalling they got to the front door

"I got it!" I yelled

"Tomoki don't you dare open that door!" I heard Mommy yell back to me, followed by heavy footsteps, but it was to late, I already opened the door

"Hi!" I greeted the strangers with a smile

"Who are you?" The man's eyes widened when he saw me, he was really tall! I was 8, almost 9 and yet I only met the middle of his stomach. Yeah I know, I don't act my age, but I like myself better this way!

"I'm Yuzuru Suoh, I'm here to see your mother, is she home?" He asked me. Yuzuru? He is the man that made Mommy cry! I glared at him

"No! You aren't aloud, you made Mommy cry!" I yelled at him when I heard Mommy run towards me

"Tomoki! Get away from them right now!" I turned around to see her eyes were glassy with un shed tears


"Ahh, Anne, it is nice to see you again." (Tomoki's and Tamaki's Mom's real name is Anne-Sophie de Grantaine, looked it up on Google XD) Yuzuru told Mommy, a fake smile plastered on his face. Mommy grabbed my wrist and pushed me behind her


"It's okay Butterfly, I won't let them take you or your brother." Mommy stated, her voice sounding determined


"We have the papers for Yuzuru to have full custody of them, even if they have your filthy blood running through their veins." The Old Woman stated

"Anne, you agreed when the time comes, in exchange for your hospitality, you will hand over our children." Yuzuru stated

"Mommy, what's going on?"

"I changed my mind! Gosh, Yuzuru Tamaki is only 14 and Tomoki is only 9, almost 10! Please forget about the deal we made many years ago."

"Enough, there is nothing you can do Anne, Give me MY CHILDREN!"

"NO!" I saw tears fall onto the floor infront of Mommy, having my eyes widen

"Anne, now!" I got in front of Mommy, anger evident in my eyes

"STOP MAKING MY MOMMY CRY!" I screamed at them, loud enough for everyone in the mansion to hear. I hear footsteps run down the steps, the music from the piano stopping

"What's going on?" I heard Tama-Chan ask

"Tamaki, get you and your sister out of here, now!"

"I won't allow you to do that, Anne." I screamed when the old lady grabbed me


End of FlashBack, Still Tomoki's POV

In a frenzy, I shot out of my bed, my heart hammering in my chest. My blonde locks falling over my face, as I stared down at my lap, my hands placed at my sides, gripping onto the sheets of my bed hard, almost ripping them. I gritted my teeth, trying to collect myself 'Don't you dare cry you big baby.' I told myself before punching the mattress

"Damn it!"

To Be continued

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