Chapter 57 - Sudden

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3rd Person's POV

Mr. Monroe was soon escorted out of the room along with the police officials, leaving the private task force, host club, Alphonse, and the Suoh family members in the room, all eyes on the deranged girl standing before them

"Undo her binds, gentlemen." The two holding Adalicia nodded firmly, undoing her handcuffs. Keeping her gaze away from anybody's prying eyes, she rubbed her wrists, the handcuffs rubbing against them made them raw with pain and redness inflicting on her quite pale skin. Adalicia knew not to question Tomoki's reasoning for undoing her handcuffs because it would only present her as somebody who is weak. She didn't like to portray herself in that way

"Adalicia, why inflict so much pain on your family members when they have raised you as best as they could?" Tomoki asked her and Adalicia sneered quietly, "They have done nothing for me, Butterfly."

"Really now? Putting a roof over your head, food on the table, a good education and good life isn't good enough for you?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Perhaps not, but it is only common sense to be at least a tiny bit grateful towards them for all they can offer to you." Tomoki's eyes narrowed, trying to figure out Adalicia's mind

"What do you want?" Adalicia finally asked bitterly after a moment of silence passed

"A good reason to pursue French Ass over there." Tomoki pointed with her thumbs towards the general direction where Alphonse stood quietly, his mind elsewhere, but at the mention of him, he couldn't stop himself from perking up, snapping out of his mindless thoughts. Adalicia glanced over at Alphonse, seeing the conflict in his eyes and how he held himself, it was nothing like how he has portrayed himself in the pictures he posted online for photo shoots and personal reasons. She averted her gaze towards Tomoki's father and grandmother who stood idly by, silently watching this all go down

"My reason is no business of yours."

"In actuality, it's indeed my business when you have dragged me into this mess." Tomoki retorted smartly, trying her best not to grow impatient

"I haven't dragged you into this, you have yourself dragged yourself into what you call a mess."

"By pinning me as a target standing in the way of your 'love' towards French Ass just because of my arranged marriage towards him is indeed you dragging me into this." Tomoki did her best at not repeating her words, knowing that would only frustrate Adalicia even more. Adalicia's sneer returned, glaring at Tomoki

"You asked for it, Butterfly."

"I didn't. I was forced into the arrangement by my father and Mr. Tonnerre. Me and Alphonse held no control over it." Yuzuru felt uneasiness in his stomach as guilt enveloped him, if he hadn't agreed to the proposal, they wouldn't be in this mess, their family name wouldn't be in danger. Tomoki wouldn't be dealing with this currently right now. If he had just not taken the offer...

"Pfft, yeah right. You're just another random girl who chases after him-"

"Your argument is invalid, Adalicia. I did not chase after him, I didn't even want anything to do with him at first but as this situation grew more and more difficult, I had no choice but to include him in everything that I have learned about your identity, personality, and likelihood of age and homelife. Unlike you, I didn't base his personality off of pictures of him on the Internet, I had to deal with his arrogant ass in real life." Tomoki explained, picking at her nails and glancing over at Alphonse who gave her a deadpanned look. She chuckled quietly to herself, taking a few more steps forward towards Adalicia who stood silently, trying to find a way to beat her at her own game. They both locked eyes, green and blue, vanilla and chocolate, tsundere and yandere, polar opposites yet similar in nature

"Droit et Mauvais, Opposés mais de sens semblable. Adalicia, Nous sommes semblables, mais pas du tout exact. C'est le chemin que vous avez choisi, un chemin que vous êtes incapable de revenir sur vous-même. Effet papillon, tous les choix de matière dans cette histoire, peu importe comment grand ou petit, toutes les choses un effet certain résultat." Tomoki leaned close to her ear, whispering a phrase no one else in the room but the two girls could hear and understand (Translation: Right and Wrong, Opposites but similar in meaning. Adalicia, We are similar, but not at all exact. This is the path you have chosen, a path you are unable to backtrack on to right yourself. Butterfly Effect, all choices matter in this storyline, no matter how big or small, all things effect a certain outcome.)

"L'obsession n'est pas l'amour, l'obsession est la mort. L'amour est quand les deux parties sont compatibles, ce que vous ressentez envers Alphonse n'est pas l'amour, mais l'obsession. Il est à la fois votre chute et droit parce que vous l'avez choisi pour être dans votre état d'esprit. Je ressens de l'empathie envers la façon dont vous avez fini, si dans d'autres circonstances, je crois que nous nous serions bien entendus et que nous pourrions même devenir des amis à long terme." Tomoki pulled away and walked back, her hand resting over her skirt pocket where inside laid the phone that started it all, Fea's Phone, the woman who was paid to get into contact with Tomoki by Lyon James, or by her real name 'Adalicia Beth Monroe'. (Translation: Obsession isn't love, obsession is death. Love is when both parts are compatible, what you feel towards Alphonse isn't love, but obsession. He is both your downfall and upright because you chose him to be in your mindset. I feel empathy towards how you turned out, if under other circumstances, I believe we would have gotten along quite well and may even become friends in the long run.)

Adalicia felt her heart swell up in disbelief, Alphonse, her love, didn't feel the same as she did? Her love wasn't an obsession, her love was mutual and real! Adalicia couldn't bring herself to believe the Suoh's words, and maybe never will because unexpectedly, that choice of reveal showed the Butterfly Effect in a twisted way.

Screams erupted in the room out of shock and anger. All bodies ran to either apprehend Adalicia who laughed maniacally, the rest, headed towards the butterfly who was watching frozen in time, crimson water dripping down from her stomach and onto the waxed floor, blood. Knees weak and head spinning, Tomoki's frame fell to the floor, Kaoru and Hikaru catching her in time before her head made contact with ground. She could only hear white noise as she drifted in and out of consciousness, trying her best to stay awake because if she went out for too long, she was as good as dead. One of her internal organs bleed with no thinking of stopping as her older brother tore his shirt off, bundling it up before putting pressure onto her wound, trying to slow down the bleeding as fast as possible, soaking his shirt and hands with her blood. Alphonse stared in horror for a moment before reaching into his pants pocket to call for an ambulance, no one in the vicinity having any knowledge on how to help Tomoki survive the stab of the concealed blade. Adalicia thrashed violently against the group of men holding her, bloodied knife still in hand

"Tomoki, stay awake!" Kaoru yelled, lightly shaking her shoulders to try and keep her awake. Her head felt heavy and eyelids kept trying to drop. At last, her body went limp as sleep overcame her, a sleep that arose more panic into the air as they impatiently waited for the ambulance to arrive to save the butterfly.

To Be continued


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