Chapter 55 - Chocolate and Vanilla

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Tomoki's POV (A few days later)

"This is an E Sharp." Tamaki pressed down on the keys with his fingers spread out, the sound of the E Sharp ringing throughout the room. I nodded and let him position my fingers on the keys correctly before nodding for me to press down. I inwardly smiled at the sound and pressed down on the keys once again for extra measure. We have been in the mansion for most of the morning just playing the piano, Tamaki being my teacher

"Alright. Now, try and play the first scale without my help." Tamaki told me, pointing to the sheet music where the first scale was imprinted. 

I rested my hands on my lap after playing the first scale. Tamaki nodded in approval before taking his own hands and playing the whole song through. I watched as his fingers delicately guided up and down the piano keys in amazement. This was one of the first songs he ever learned from our mother, and by far one of my favorites for me to hear and watch growing up. I closed my eyes, just listening to him play the song with no trouble and no hesitation when it came to playing the next key. It was amazing on how good Tamaki was at playing the piano, even when he was taught by a person who was still learning herself. The song soon came to an end much to my disappointment but I knew, all good things must come to an end, even a simple song. I opened my eyes and looked over at Tamaki who smiled gently at me, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into his side

"Let's take a break and stretch our legs, we have been here for a quite a few hours." He declared and I nodded before pulling out of his embrace and getting up, stretching before walking away from the piano and towards one of the grand windows, seeing that the snow had stopped falling and was stuck to the ground

"Hey Tamaki." I called to him, not bothering to look back at him


"These past few days have been quite peaceful surprisingly, what is that saying usually used in books?" I asked him and he thought for a moment, walking up to stand beside me. He leaned forward on the window seal, studying the winter wonderland

"Silence before the storm." He informed me

"It's been a few days since I have last received a message from Lyon James. It's very much possible that she is here in Japan." I confessed

"What was her last message?"

"Tomo-chan~ Butterfly~ Filthy~ Tomo-chan Flight Butterfly~ La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La~ Hello~ Shall I make an demonstration, Filthy Little Butterfly~?" I quoted her message to him with ease, furrowing my brows

"Shall I make an demonstration... She is going to demonstrate something to you?" Tamaki asked me and I nodded in confirmation. I rubbed my hands together before cracking my knuckles, easing them from their intensity

"I have been on the lookout on things around me whenever I go out, but so far, nothing."

"Maybe she isn't going to demonstrate something to you, she was singing creepily in the message." He told me and I bit my bottom lip, chewing on it unconsciously in thought. She was indeed singing in the message... But why does that stick out like a sore thumb to me? My eyes widened, an idea sparking

"Tamaki. Call all of your friends, make sure that they are alright!" I ordered him hurriedly

"What? Why-"

"Just do it damn it!" I cursed before running out of the room and through the mansion, heading towards Alphonse's room. I busted the door open making him fall out of his seat at his desk

"Hey! What the hel-!"

"Shut up. Where is your computer?!" I asked him with short of breath. He stared at me quizzically for a moment, about ready to deny my request until he saw the worry in my eyes. He jumped up to his feet and ran over to the other side of his bed, grabbing hold of his laptop before handing it to me. I nodded in thanks and sat down at his desk, pushing his papers off of it. I opened the laptop and logged in, Alphonse looking over my shoulder

"How the hell do you know my password-"

"Because you're cocky as a rooster." I simply stated, typing into a search engine, 'Filthy Little Butterfly, Tomo-Chan Flight Butterfly.'. I hit search with only one result coming up. A video coming up. I clicked on the video right when Tamaki ran in, huffing and puffing

"Everyone is fine. What's going on?" Tamaki asked me out of breath. I shushed him, waiting for the video to load. My leg bounced up and down nervously, my anxiety levels rising

"Alphonse, when was the last time you were in contact with Juliette?" I asked him

"Last night-"

"Who is Juliette?" Tamaki asked in confusion, cutting off Alphonse. We ignored his question

"Was anything out of the ordinary?"

"No. Besides the fact that she was more jumpy than usual but she told me it was because her dad was home." Alphonse told me and I nodded, releasing my bottom lip from my teeth and stopped bouncing my leg. I turned up the sound once it began playing.

In the video, the camera was placed in some sort of room with nothing in it except a wooden chair and pieces of parchment spread across the floor. Silence, there was no sound for 10 seconds of the video before we heard what sounded like an engine rumbling behind the camera hurting our ears. I ignored the pain and paid close attention to the video, knowing this must be the work of Lyon James. The video suddenly cut to where the camera was closer to the wooden chair, only this time, a figure sat in it wearing all black their face not visible. The figure looked directly into the camera, a smirk appearing on face that was shadowed over by the hood covering their head

"Filthy Little Butterfly what shall you say to me~? What will you do~? Le chocolat tombe de l'air, la vanille monte du sol. La vanille est pure et bonne, le chocolat est taché et le mal." She spoke fluently in French. This figure, was Lyon James, their conversational patterns were identical. The tone, and manner of presentation proved this suspicion. Lyon James folded her hands in her lap, crossing her legs (Translation: Chocolate is falling from the air, Vanilla is rising from the ground. Vanilla is pure and good, Chocolate is tainted and evil.)

"Chocolate and Vanilla?" Alphonse questioned those flavors. I leaned forward in my seat, needing to know more

"Je, Vanille. Vous, chocolat. Mon amour, le consommateur." (Translation: I, Vanilla. You, Chocolate. My love, consumer.)

To Be continued

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