Chapter 53 - Fears

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Tomoki's POV

Kaoru and I walked down the cemented road in comfortable silence. Our hands enterwined for warmth from the cold brisk air. My phone was no longing buzzing in my pocket, telling me the onslaughts of annoyance was finally gone for now. 'Lyon James, at first you freaked me out to no ends but now...' I looked over at Kaoru from the corner of my eye, seeing him mindlessly study our surroundings, '... You are more of an annoyance than anything else.'

"What are you thinking about?" My attention was pulled away from my thoughts by the ginger next to me

"An annoyance."


"No. He is more of an ass than an annoyance." I corrected him smugly which he chuckled softly to

"I was thinking about Lyon James, hard to believe she is still pursuing to harm me when in reality, I pose no threat." I explained briefly, only to realize I hadn't actually told him what her main characteristic was

"You aren't afraid of her?"

"No, why?" He stopped in his step, making me stop as well two steps out in front of him, our hands still interlocked

"In all of the instances I have seen a different side of you, it was vulnerability. You seemed so... Afraid of her." I shook my head, tsking at his bad analysis

"I have never portrayed I was afraid of her as a person, but her actions and capabilities, the thought if she could be hidden from very sight until the time was right." I snapped my fingers in front of his face, startling him for a second

"What I thought of her as a person was that I was freaked out, syching myself out over nothing because after all, she is just like you and I, not a being with tremendous power equal to a God." I explained further, beggining to walk again with him dragging his feet next to me

"I can see that... I should have known better that you aren't one to get easily scared."

"It takes a lot, even as a curious child I wasn't afraid of anything unless it was to the point of no return." I stopped myself from continuing, remembering the two fears I had discovered shortly after I came to Japan

"What are your fears?" He asked me bluntly. I gave him a look

"Sorry, it's not my business to pry-"

"It's alright. It's about time I tell my fears."

"You have more than one?" I nodded with a small him

"Two of them. I have only showed one to another and that was to my idiot of a loving brother." I informed him

"Wait, did that just rhyme? 'I have only showed one to another and that was to my idiot of a brother'." He quoted me, pointing out that my sentence indeed rhymed. I smiled softly with a small sigh, taking a deep breath before releasing the carbon dioxide into the cold air with a puff of smoke

"My fears. I learned of them when I first came to Japan and that are quite similar now that I think about it. The first fear is... To Be Alone In The End Of It All."

"Like, when you die?" I nodded in confirmation, tightening up my grip on Kaoru's hand lightly

"And the other, Isolation. Well, it is more of a phobia-" Kaoru opened his mouth, silencing me, "Autophobia, also called monophobia isolophobia, or eremophobia."

"Now that is certainly a mouthful. How do you know all that?"

"During Health Class. Unlike Hikaru I actually pay attention, don't you remember? We talked about different phobias." He asked me and I thought for a moment, trying to think back to when we talked about them

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