Lyon James, Snippet Part 3

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Lyon James's POV

After eating a snack made by mother, I walked back upstairs and hid myself in my room again. I surfed through the internet, as in Instagram, looking through the photos of Alphonse. I sighed dreamily at him, tracing my finger over the screen where his jaw line was at, 'So sweet... Just wait a little while longer my love.' I thought in my mind before giggling to myself. I scrolled through the comments, each one infuriating me:


Omg, amazing!

He should become a model!


I wish I was his girlfriend-

I slammed my fist down on the comforter beside me in anger, clutching tightly onto the bedding with gritted teeth. 'He is not yours! He is mine, you will not and never will have him!' I thought in my mind, planning each and everyone of their deaths in my head. I took a deep breath, clicking on another picture of him which was just him smiling unconsciously, not knowing of the photo being taken as he was lost in his thoughts. The photo calmed me down, my muscles becoming loose from being tensed up earlier. 'Adorable human being. Pure and loving... Unlike those who wish to be his when I, Ad****** **t* ***r**, is his one and only!' I let out a small cackle, clicking on another picture that seemed to be just taken today. He was standing in what seemed like a maze, a light snow covering around him contrasting well with his dark features. I sighed, smiling at the sight and the cute little smirk he had plastered on his face. 'Too pure and innocent for this world, too pure to be tainted by the likes of anyone... By the likes of the Butterfly.' An idea popped into my head, realizing a way to freak her out. I quickly went to a web search, typing in her name to see the many results coming up. I went to images to see many pictures of the dumb blonde bitch. I printed out one before ripping it to shreds onto my desk, sprawling them out before grabbing my work phone and snapping various pictures

"Tu attends Papillon... Quand je serai là, l'enfer lèvera..." (Translation: Just you wait Butterfly... When I get there, hell will raise...)


Heyo! So two more letters to her full name has been revealed and what do you guys think Lyon James is doing with a shredded picture of Tomoki? We shall see once it's again Tomoki's POV. Hope you all enjoyed this short Snippet! -Golden

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