Chapter 9 - Operations SIBLINGS Part 1

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Before I start doing this chapter, I gotta warn you, I'm sick, literally I'm sick so I'm bedridden and no where near a computer so guess what I'm updating on? On my WattPad App which I'm going to transfer the chapter to Quotev. So sorry if there is any mistakes in spelling. But hopefully this won't be a sucky chapter. And I'm glad that I made everyone laugh last chapter, seeing you guys in the comments was wonderful. Anyways, here is the chapter!

Hikaru's POV

"Kaoru, how about we go find our toy?" I asked Kaoru when exiting our last period

"But shouldn't we be heading to the club?" He asked me

"We will, but our toy first, club last. I have a plan." I told him with a smirk plastered on my face. He mirrored it even though he didn't exactly know what my plan was. We walked towards the garden, knowing that is where Tomoki would be at studying. Jeez, our toy was boring as hell. We sneaked into the garden to see we were correct. She had her nose stuck in a Geometry Text Book

"Oh wow... She is boring." I stated in a whisper and Kaoru nodded

"No wonder Boss can barely talk to her at home." He stated also in a whisper

"Okay, you grab her while I get her stuff." I told him

"Why do I have to?" He asked me in a whining voice

"Because you're younger than me and more responsible."

"That doesn't explain anything!"

"Shhh." I shushed him

"On 3, 1.... 2..... 3!" We both lunged towards her, catching her off guard. I grabbed her bag and Kaoru grabbed her, holding her bridal style. Hmmm.... I wonder...

"What the hell?! Put me down you shady twin!" She yelled at Kaoru

"Aha! Sister like brother!"


(Time Skip to the club!)

We opened the club doors to see everyone getting ready before the club starts

"Sorry we are late, we had to go and get a package!" Me and Kaoru yelled, having everyone look over to us

"What on earth are you guys talking abo- WHY DO YOU GUYS HAVE TOMOKI?!" Haruhi asked us, now noticing Tomoki in Kaoru's arms

"Hi Tomo-Chan!"

"Screw you Shady Twins!"

"Huh, at least you guys have one thing in common, Senpai." Haruhi told Tamaki who had his jaw dropped to the ground in shock

"PUT ME DOWN!!" Tomoki ordered Kaoru

"If you promise not to run away."

"Why you-!"

"Tomo-Chan, please don't run away!" Honey told Tomoki


"Yay!" Kaoru set Tomoki down on the floor which she sighed in relief

"Now, what do you guys want?" She asked us, crossing her arms over her chest.

To Be continued

Yes I know it was short but I'm hungry and tired right now since I just took some medicine, also the reason why the text isn't gold as it has been is because I'm doing this chapter on WattPad, and WattPad doesn't have a color coding system like Quotev does. Now, let me ask you guys a important question, which twin do you guys want Tomoki to end up with? Please let me know in the comments down below! The comment goal this time is 12 COMMENTS!!!! Cya guys later and have a awesome day! -Golden

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