⭐️Chapter 17.Who Are You?

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Chapter 17.Who Are You?


Did Vic literally just ask that?

Maybe he's just joking around.

"Vic. . .stop playing around. What do you mean by 'Who are you'?" I asked.

". . .I don't know you. . ." He replied,puzzled.

His facial expression and words seemed true. I have a feeling he isn't just joking.

"What?" I questioned in fear. "Vic, I'm your girlfriend...Jessica."

His eyes grew and he suddenly looked creeped out. "Woah, woah. Is this some kind of joke? Slow down there, weirdo. Last time I checked I had a girlfriend, whose's name is Holly and you are nothing close to her. You're starting to creep me out.Who the hell do you think you are?"

I felt a sea of anxiety deep down. The anxiety curled in my stomach and I felt my knees become weak and my palms became sweaty.

Are you kidding me right now?
What the fuck is going on?!
This can't be possibly happening.

I dashed towards the door, hoping for a explanation from Dr. Smith.


As I grabbed the door knob, attempting to charge out I was soon grabbed and dragged backwards.

Vic's P.O.V

"Doctor! He's moving!" I heard someone call.

I began to squirm around, as I felt my arms and legs.I slowly lifted my heavy eyelids and I looked all around me, trying to get a idea of where I was. It was difficult too,though as everything was blurry. I could see foggy shadows, but I couldn't make out as to what they were.

After about a few minutes of constantly blinking and squinting and rubbing my eyes,everything seemed to get more in focus. My mouth was dry and I smacked my lips a few times. I was laying down, in a bed it seemed, and the room was bright. I finally see the light. I'm alive. Light from the window reflecting off the white walls, making me want to close my eyes again. I felt like I had slept for years, but I was still tired. I heard the beeping of a machine and slowly turned my head towards the source of the noise. The muscles in my neck were stiff and sore.

There have been times when I've had to struggle to get my eyes open and emerge from the dream, only to find myself in a dark room where I can't see to tell where I am... I couldn't move, I was locked inside, only hearing inaudible voices surrounding me.

"Where..w-where am I?" I questioned.
"You're in the hospital, Vic." who I assumed was the doctor, said as she ran in.
"Why the hell am I here?" I couldn't remember a thing from the throbbing headache I woke up with.

"Do you remember anything?" She asked. "I'm Doctor Smith,by the way."
I shook my head, at first.
"Can you try? I'll start off,first. Your name is Victor Fuentes and you're 15 years old." Doctor Smith replied. "Can you try remembering how you got here?"

I nod.

Think Vic, think. It's obvious my name is Vic, I'm 15 and I live in San Diego.

San Diego.
Aha, I moved here during the summer with Mike.
Then I met with... Tony and Jaime.

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