⭐️Chapter 38.Terrible Things

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Song of the chapter~ My Immortal by Evanescence


Chapter 38.Terrible Things


Jessica's P.O.V

Ah, English is so boring. Ms. McCain for once decided to discuss Hamlet, (what we're currently reading), what a shock. I sat next to Julia who laid her head on her left arm for support and began to doodle. I stared at the calender at the top of my binder.

Today: March 1st

My finger ran through the dates until it stopped on March 2nd, my birthday. 1 day! I'm quite excited for once. Turning 15, whoopdedoo. I'm just planning to go out with friends, that's all I need. The first birthday, without my abusive father, and with Vic and the guys. I bet it'll be perfect, besides the fact that it's on a Thursday, eh.

I felt a sudden buzz in my pocket. A text message. Who the hell texts at 9:18? Not to mention that I'm in school currently. I exhaled and quietly took out my phone from my pocket, and quickly hid it in my desk.

"Someone texted you?" Julia whispered, looking towards me.

I nodded.


"Shush, let me check." I turned the screen on and saw a text from Vic. What does he want during class?

Vic: Hey babe, meet me by the lockers in east a-wing, I have something to show you :)

"So, who texted yo-"

"Julia Tennant." Ms. McCain interjected.

Julia jerked her head up. "Yeah?"

"Would you like to show what's on your paper to the class?" She narrowed her eyes and eyed Julia's paper from a distance. Julia exhaled and grabbed her copy of Hamlet, standing up. She turned to a certain page and said, "To quote Hamlet, act III, scene III, no." She gave a sly smile. "Thank you." Then, she sat down.

I heard a few snickers from the back of the class and Ms. McCain raised her eyebrow, narrowing her eyes. "Miss. Tennant, I give you detention after school for that disrespectful remark. Now, do your work!"

Julia crinkled her forehead and sighed. "Whatever," She muttered. She turned back towards me and and mumbled, "Quickly tell me who."

I replied, "Vic."

"Vic?" She questioned. I nodded and raised my hand to get the bathroom pass. Soon, I was on my way, walking the halls to where Vic asked me to meet him. I was filled with curiousity; what did Vic need to show me? Maybe a surprise? I smiled at the thought of that, and began to randomly hum along to "Who Are You Now" by Sleeping With Sirens. I observed my shirt and the lyrics to the same song were decorated along, "Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly". As I quickly paced, my footsteps were quite visible to hear.

"Oh, I love you too Vic!" I heard someone recognizable yell, cheerfully. Holy, fuck. Was that...Holly? What the hell is she doing with Vic?!

I charged by the lockers, and in front of me was something I couldn't unsee. Holly's hands wrapped around Vic's neck, and his hands on her waist.

Vic and Holly... were kissing. They were sucking face.

My world has collapsed on me. My heart felt like it was just ripped out of my chest, I can't breathe, and right now I just want to lay down and die.

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