⭐️Chapter 24.There's Faith In Love

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Chapter 24.There's Faith In Love


"One day, I'll probably beat the shit outta Mike, if only he wasn't taller than me." Vic rolled his eyes. We were on our way to Julia's, our last stop. And during the past three hours, Vic was super pissed at Mike. He was walking quite a distance in front of me, while I dragged behind currently dying in the outfit he made me wear. Lucky him, he changed into a hoodie and vans.

"Calm down, it was just a joke." I replied.

"Whatever." He gave me a playful glare.

"Come on, it's Christmas. Don't be mad. Just one more present to give and we can go home."

His face brightened up. "Yay. Then we can exchange gifts together! I can't wait to give you yours."

"I can't wait to give you,yours either."

What I got Vic was something I spent the majority of the money I had, but price doesn't matter. I bought him a new cherrywood acoustic guitar. Vic plays guitar, really really good. But it turns out the guitar he currently owns is a hand-me-down. He doesn't have one to call his own, and I really wanted to get him one. Vic's done so much for in the past few months and I love him dearly.

We reached the door of Julia's and her window was wide open. I peeked and saw her with a book and laptop. She sat on her couch, snuggled with a blanket. Vic rang the doorbell.


Speaking of Julia, I wonder what Mike got her. The box had a few holes poked in it and was quite heavy. I sensed a little movement in it, but uh. Maybe I'm just crazy.

Julia's P.O.V


I looked up from the book I was currently reading, "The Fault In Our Stars", I was too lazy to get up to answer the door. Instead, I took a sip from my mug filled with Hot chocolate. My hair was all wrapped in a towel, I was currently dying my hair red.

"Julia! Goddamn it, open up!" I heard Vic yell.

"DUMBASS! We have your presents!" Jessica yelled.

I heard the word present. I scurried to the door and opened it.

I coughed and raised my eyebrow. "PresentS, hm?"

"Yep. Merry Christmas modafucka." Jessica handed me two boxes. One box was covered in rainbow striped gift wrap and another was lavender with a black bow with a few holes poked on the top. It was larger than the first and way heavier.

"The first box is from Jess and I, and the second one is from Miiiiiiike." Vic smirked.

"Aw, Mike got me a present." I murmured. "I even bought him one-"

Jessica dramatically gasped and Vic winked at me.

"-wait, calm down. Not just him you guys as well, hold on." I continued and then walked to my closet and took out three gifts. One for Vic,one for Jessica, and one for Mike. I'm actually excited with Mike's present. I spent awhile trying to find just the right one. I handed the gifts to Jessica and they thanked me.

"Why're you home alone?" Vic asked.

"Oh, dad's held back for overtime again." I mumbled. My dad's an lawyer. Christmas is usually like this,mostly everyday. Weekends with him are super rare. Work,work,work.

"When is he going to be back?"

"Probably not until late night, but it's fine, really. I got cocoa, tumblr and T-F-I-O-S, I'm all good." I mummered. I'm used to being alone. Sure it wasn't pleasant at times, just sitting in my empty home but sometimes I enjoyed it.

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