⭐️Chapter 19.What If I Was The Secret?

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Chapter 19.What If I Was The Secret?



It's the last day before winter break. I was so hyper and filled with anticipation. Well, one. We won't have to enter school for like three weeks and two, I get to see Vic after school. He's getting discharged today and I'm so excited. My friends are suspicious of my strange behavior. I'm getting impatient by the hour.

We sat at our normal table as usual, munching on food. I sat there eating a burrito.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. HAY. GUYS!" Jaime tried to catch our attention away from food by waving his arms in the air.

"What?" We asked in unison.

"I need a favor."

"Which is?"

"My parents are having a huge boring dinner party with these old people on Christmas Eve, in three days basically and so I wanted to invite you guys there...so I wouldn't be alone with those old seniors! I'm the only goddamn teenager over there! PLEASE?" He begged.


"Pleaseeee?!" He whined. "...There's going to be free food!"

"FREE FOOD?! I'm up for it! ...It depends though if I'm not grounded for my report card grades." Iqra replied, cheering for food.

"Is there free wifi?" Julia raised her eyebrow and questioned. She coughed. "Needed for tumblr."

Jaime nodded.

"YES! OK I'M COMING THEN." Julia yelled.

All of us agreed to go, even though Vic wasn't here, I'll inform him anyways.

"There's also a dress code,guys." Jaime murmured after.

"Which is?" Narine asked.

"Fancy shit."

"Like suits and dresses?" Mike shivered at the thought of a suit. I laughed.

"Yep." Jaime nodded.

"A DRESS? What? I don't want to wear a dress." I whined. "I'd rather wear band merch."

"Sometimes it's good to not wear band merch twenty-four seven, Jess. Plus I'm pretty sure a dress would look fab on you! We can go shopping tomorrow!" Narine replied.

I coughed. "Uh excuse me, it's always a good times to wear band merch."

"Whatever." Narine rolled her eyes.

"So it's settled? You all are coming on December 24th at seven SHARP. Wearing fancy shit,right?" Jaime confirmed.

We all nodded.

"I'll try to survive in a dress." I replied, laughing.

Iqra's P.O.V

I sat in my last period class, tapping the desk and counting down the seconds until Winter break.


The bell rang and everybody cheered, racing out the door.

I watched as all the students charge out the classroom but first we were to grab our report cards. I groaned and regretted slacking off, last minute of course. I received mine and proceeded out the classroom and to my locker, dropping a shitload of textbooks inside.

Holding my report card in my hands, I exhaled and opened it.

English: 88% B+

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