⭐️Chapter 40.Without You,What's The Point?

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Chapter 40.Without You,What's The Point?


I decided to dash my way, it was the only option. I felt a sudden vibration in my pocket. Oh god I picked out my phone and recieved a ton of notifications, a shitload of voicemail...all from Vic. They were piled all the way from the past week. Maybe...if I listen to the voicemail, I'll...I'll figure out how Vic ended up on the cliff, drunk.

I hit play on all voicemail and pressed the phone to my ear as I continued walking.

Voicemail Message from March 2nd, 12:01AM;

"Happy birthday to you...happy birthdaaaaay to yooooou, happy birthday dear Jessica, happy birthday to you." Vic sang. I heard him sniffle. "Jess, I-I know you don't wanna talk to me, right now. Believe me, I'm-I'm innocent! Jessica...I can't live without you. Without you, there is no me. Just...please, I love you."His voice cracked. I heard him end the call then came the beep sound.

My birthday. I ditched school that day, the day after the break-up. Of course, I didn't want to celebrate. Narine,Iqra,Tony,Julia,Jaime and Mike came over, and not one of them mentioned Vic that day. I laid in bed all day, and Danielle...well Danielle, she baked a cake for me. I'm debating whether or not to give her a chance, since she's trying her hardest. But, forget that right now. I was halfway near the cliff, I could see it in the distance.

Having over 20 voicemails, I decided to listen to the recent one from today, since the others were either good morning or good night wishes. I pressed the play button yet again.

Voicemail Message from March 8th, 3:17PM;

5 hours ago. I heard Vic exhale, then sniffle. "One full week. I miss you. I need you. I feel so worthless right now, because I lost you. There's no one I'd rather be with than you. You mean the world to me. I only want two things in this world. I want you, and I want us. But, I don't even know if you give a shit about me anymore. I am shattered. My world collapsed when you said those two words...Jessica, I'm barely hanging on. Ha, I don't even know if you're listening to these right now...but by the time you're hearing this, I'll already be gone." I heard him force a chuckle. "Without you, what's the point?"The line hit a dead end afterwards.

I didn't realize one whole week would be such an impact on Vic, like it was for me.

"I'm barely hanging on...but the time you're hearing this I'll already be gone."

Ohmygod. Gone?
Was Vic on the cliff to...jump?

I can't let that happen, oh my god. I began to run as fast as I could, climbing up onto the cliff. I wandered in a trance and ended up at the top of the cliff overshadowing the forest below. The forest stood like little soldiers on the horizon. The night sky, filled with stars, illuminating the side of the cliff which lent of the forest canopy like a stone giant. The black trees swayed gently in the evening breeze while the moon watched over. A few sounds could be heard in the canopy. There were rustles in trees and the occasional howl. I felt my heart pounding and the adrenaline rushing straight through me, as the cliff was empty. I caught something at the corner of my eye. Right there, near the edge, Vic's car was parked. I ran to the windows and tried to open the car door, yet it was locked. I stared into the windows, searching for Vic. He wasn't inside. I kicked the car in anger and ran to the edge and looked down.

I'm too late. I felt like dying at the moment. I kicked the ground, I'm such an dumbass! Oh God! I lost him! The only person I loved! My eyes began to water and I felt the tears creep out of my eyes. I began to pull my hair and dig my nails into my palms.

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