Chapter Two: Mother's Shadow

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A/n: Wow. Thank you for all my readers! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Arima Kousei hadn't yet returned to school even if he was already operated on to straight down the huge curvature of his spine

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Arima Kousei hadn't yet returned to school even if he was already operated on to straight down the huge curvature of his spine. His seat was still empty and the music room seemed abandoned whenever Kaori doesn't use it. He's in a few medications in the hospital after he woke up from his surgery. His friends had always visited him in the hospital. He looks healthy but they wonder about the reason why the doctors are still keeping him. Since Takahiko had noticed that Kousei was beginning to get so bored and wanted to go back home, he finally went to his doctor's office to ask about his son's condition. 

"My son wants to go back home already," he told her. "Is it safe to release him already?"

"I do believe that along Friedreich's Ataxia, he does seem to have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Why do you think he would acquire it?" Doctor Seiko asked him.

"His mother died when he was eleven years old. I divorced my own wife in her request that I shouldn't lock myself to her as she's sick," he answered him. "Even so, I never married again."

Doctor Seiko breathed in. "I request that you take him to a psychiatrist to help him recover from it. He's suffering more due to it and it might make his vulnerable state more dangerous. We do have a lot of psychologists here. Do you want me to write a recommendation letter?"

Takahiko smiled and nodded, "Thank you. Yes. You can do that."

After Doctor Seiko finished writing the letter, she gave it to him. "Sir, the boy needed someone who can talk to him as the disease will keep on progressing. We cannot stop it. We can only slow down its progress."

"Your welcome," Takahiko told her. "Why is he still in the hospital? He already had his operation. The psychiatrist can go to our house."

"The surgery took a toll of his strength. He needs to rest his body. Also, I knew about his trauma when I saw him crying on his bed alone after he woke up yesterday morning. He was murmuring about his mother. He calmed down after he felt the heat of my hands. Don't worry. He'll be off tomorrow," she smiled at him after standing up from her seat. 


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