Chapter Fifteen: A Musician's Spirit

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A/n: I hope you like it! The song above is the song last shown in the Your Lie in April anime.

"You're leaving?" Kousei asked while he strolled on his wheelchair as he approached Kaori and her parents

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"You're leaving?" Kousei asked while he strolled on his wheelchair as he approached Kaori and her parents. They had just finished packing Kaori's things.

"Don't worry. I will keep visiting you," Kaori assured him with a smile.

Kousei held her hands in worry. His doctors had just finished checking him. They all seemed sure that he also would be released soon but they all seem to keep a secret on him.

Kaori also seemed to know something and he's the only one who's ignorant on what's happening. Mrs. and Mr. Miyazono also patted his shoulders and gave him their last words before they parted ways. "I hope you get better. Your friends and Kaori will always be behind you."

He nodded and after they all left including Kaori, he felt lonely inside the room. He gripped on his legs that he can't feel and said to himself while tears fall on his eyes, "Why should I lose my legs?"

He felt tired after the check up so, he went closer to his bed using his wheelchair. He struggled getting on the bed while trying to carry himself and crawl back on it until his father came around and seen him forcing himself to lie on his bed. He quickly carried his son. "You should have waited for me."

He looked at his father and he felt sad. He was used in being able to carry himself and not asking others for help but now he's being forced to depend on someone. "Father."

"I guess I shouldn't keep it a secret, then or else you'll be more depressed. A week from now, you will be transferred in a different hospital."

Kousei couldn't believe what he heard. "What? Why?"

"I guess you don't remember him. Your grandfather suddenly acted on his own. He asked Totsuhara Hospital to transfer you in Tokyo Neurology and Heart Center a week from now.'

"But!" Kousei was so confused. "But what about?"

"They'll take a train to visit you. Also, winter break is coming anyway."

"Will I be able to play the piano in the competition? The competition is tomorrow already!"

"I'm planning on taking you out of the competition, Kousei."

Kousei couldn't believe what he heard. "That competition could be my last, father! I want to play as long as my hands can use the piano. Let me play it until I lose my ability to play the piano."

Takahiko couldn't believe what he heard so, he embraced his own son who's crying on his bed. "Forgive me. I'll go and ask your doctors if you can get out and enter the competition."

Kousei dried his own tears and nodded. "Thank you father."


After a long talk and persuasion, his doctors finally agreed that Kousei take part in the competition. "Even if we agreed that he join the contest tomorrow, he must immediately be brought back here after he performed. We can't risk him getting viruses or bacteria outside that could worsen his state right now," Doctor Unomiya Ken explained to him.

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