Chapter Eighteen: Rain

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Three days passed after he developed bruises over his chest, Arima Kousei suddenly had heart attacks that morning

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Three days passed after he developed bruises over his chest, Arima Kousei suddenly had heart attacks that morning. Nagi and Takeshi had just arrived that time when they witnessed Kousei struggling to breathe. The nurses and doctors were immediately alarmed that time.

All of them immediately ran in his room to save him. He kept gripping his chest as it was too painful already. To him, his heart felt like it's a big knife stuck in his chest. He wanted to take his heart away as it gives him so much pain so that he could feel better.

Aiza Nagi was about to leave when in her shock, Kousei held her hands tight. The nurses tried to get her away from him but they couldn't do it since his grip on her is too tight. Since Kousei can't let go of her, the nurses didn't pull her off. She couldn't help but hold the hands of the man who inspired her and her brother to play the piano to give him comfort while he needed it. Her hands were giving him enough support even while his whole body was subjected in so much torture.

He couldn't breathe well, his world was spinning and his chest was throbbing hard. He struggled to remain awake as the doctors treat him and give him nitroglycerin but a few seconds later, he lost control of his body and fainted on his bed.

The heart monitor beeped a bit too high and then, there was sudden silence which made them aware that a flat line appeared once again in his heart monitor which showed that he had another cardiac arrest. His hands on Nagi loosened slowly and Nagi held it again. She could hear his doctors say, "This is dangerous. Quick! Give me the paddles!"

Five nurses and his heart doctor arrived in his room to save him.

A female nurse drove her away while they surround Kousei more while a male doctor give him CPR while he was waiting for the defibrillator to be given to him. It didn't work and so, they had no choice but to use a defibrillator.

The nurses set down the thick, green curtains of his room to give them privacy after they were able to get Nagi outside of Kousei's room.

The nurses set down the thick, green curtains of his room to give them privacy after they were able to get Nagi outside of Kousei's room

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