Chapter 2

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Monday morning was here an I was so excited. Today is the day I find out what Im having. I wanted a girl while on the other hand Kjay wanted a boy. Justice and Sydney wanted a girl to. We was all debating on our way taking the girls to school.

"Mommy is having a girl" Justice says rolling her eyes.

"Yes uncle Kjay mommy having a girl" Sydney says making me laugh.

"Mommy ass better have a boy in that stomach. Im sick of all these coochies running around here. Do y'all not know we have no boys? LaNiya has a girl. Chantel and Joshua has a girl. Kimberly has a girl. We have two girls! We need some penis around here man" he says making me laugh an making the girls say ewwww. We make it in front of there school. They attend an private school. Sydney is in kindergarten while Justice is at the pre-school here.

"Have  a nice day babies" I say. Sydney walks Justice to class every morning. Just for an 5 year old she has alot of sense just like her mama. I wish Honey was here to see her. But she's smiling above.

"You too" They say an walk away.

"Whats on your mind so heavy?" Kjay asks as we are pulling up to the hospital.

"Im having my second child an im only 20" I say sighing.

"It would of been your first if you would of got an abortion'' he says shaking his head. Not this argument again. When we first found out I was pregnant with Justice, Kjay wanted me to kill her. I just couldnt. It hurts knowing the way she was formed it really does but I just couldnt. This was a child of God.

"Kjay please not today" I say.

"Im just saying" he says rolling his eyes.

"Whatever. That was my baby you didnt have to take care of her" I say.

"Diamond I have about 4 kids!" he says.

"4? Nigga you mean 3" I say confused.

"Man you know what I mean" he says with a concerned face expression.

"I hope I know what you mean" I say opening an slamming the door.

"Babe come here" he says grabbing my arm.

'What Kjay. We have to get inside" I say.

"I didnt mean to say I have 4 kids. Shit I may do. I have a feeling we're having twins" he says making me smile.

"Whatever lets go" I say taking his hand while we're walking into the hospital.

"Congrats. You're having a baby boy!" Says my doctor.

"Yessss!" Kjay says. 

"Thanks Doc" I say smiling. A baby boy. Kjay dream has came true.

"Now Ms. Moore Im asking you to take it steady. Your blood pressure was extremely high. Maybe you need some bed rest these next couple weeks. But take it slow for me please?" she says.

"Yes Ma'am I will" I say lying. Hell no. I got things I have to do.

"Alright ma'am. See you in two weeks" she says an walks out the door.

"Im having a boyy!" Kjay says thru the phone as we're walking in the house. He was so excited. I was too honeslty.

"Bout time my nigga!" I hear Joshua says. 'Uncle Josh to the rescue" he says. My brother is so fucking silly.

"Hell yea cuh. But aye lemme call everybody else." Kjay says.

"Ight man. Tell my sister I love her. Love yall" he says an hangs up. I walk out the room as Kjay is on the phone telling everywhere that I was having a boy. Im looking in the refrigerator to find me something to eat then my house phone rings. People usually doesnt call my house phone.


"Is this Kjay?" says a female voice.

''No this his fiance. Who this?" I ask.

"Oh you must be Diamond! Im Kjay's new trainer" she says

"I rather my husband have a male trainer" I say. She begins to laugh. Aint shit funny though.

"He said you'll say that. You dont have to worry about me Im well married with 3 kids" she says. Them married ones be fucking up too.


"Yes. But Im calling to let Kjay know that practice has been canceled tonight. So he doesnt have to worry about coming" she says.

"Ok. I will surely tell him" I say.

"Alright have a nice evening" she says an hangs up. I continue finding me something to eat. After a few minutes of me making a bolony cheese sandwich with some dill pickles I dig in.

"Im going to get the girls" Kjay says coming in to kiss me on the forehead. "Chantel says shes coming over so be on the look out"

"Alright. I was suppose to tell you something. Damn it I forgot" I say trying to think what I was suppose to tell him.

"Well think about it an when I get back we can talk about whatever" he says.

"Alright baby. Love you. Stop the girls by McDonalds for me please. I dont feel like cooking an yo ass cant cook" I say making my own self laugh. He flicks me off.

"Love you too" he says an closes the door.

I Finally Decided To Go Ahead An Post Chapter 2. My Fans Have Been Waiting For A While. Updates For this BOOK Will Be Wednesdays and Saturdays :) ONLY IF YOU GUYS REACH YOUR GOAL! Im Praying I'll Be Done With It Before The Summer Because I Have A Summer Job

But I Hope YOU Guys Enjoy :)

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