Chapter 19

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"What happened to her?" I ask running over to my baby girl.

"Ma'am we gotta get your daughter to an hospital. You are welcomed to come with her" Says the same lady that has been helping me. I need to ger her name.

"What happened to her?" I ask.

"She was molested" she says an with that everything goes blank.

"Diamond... Diamond... Baby wake up" I open my eyes which are very blury. I look around an see my mother, father and Kjay.

'Where Am I?" I ask.

"You fainted baby" My mother says coming over to kiss me on the forehead.

"Wheres my baby" I say getting all the way up.

"Relax. We alomost lost our little man. You're under so much pressure baby. But Justice is doing fine. She's getting checked up an everything" Kjay says.

"How did I get here?"

"A plane flew us here" My father says.

"Im so confused" I say closing my eyes. I try remembering what all happened. Then it hits me.

"Who raped my daughter?!" I ask getting all the way up.

"He's locked up already" Mama says.

'Who was it?" 

"Keon" she says.

"That stupid nigga. Lemme get a whole to him my damn self I'll fuck his ass up I swear" I say yelling.

"Ms. Moore" says My doctor Ms.Ross 

"Ms. Ross?" I say. We got back to Cali quick as fuck,

"Yes Ma'am an Im very dissappointed in you. You're under so much stress that lil man in here is having a hard time making it" she says making me wanna cry.

"Im sorry Doc. Its so much going on with my family, my marriage. Im so sorry"

"Its okay but ima need for you to take it easy for me an your family. We don't want to lose Little Kjay" she says. I nod my head.

"Justice is getting checked. If I amy ask for these two to step out please' she says looking over at my mom an dad. They both walk out.

"Now baby Justice is scarred. For a while. Its gonna take a lot of time for her to heal. Im so sorry this had to happen to her. She's gonna need Therapy . Your insurance will pay for it an however long it will takes. Im just so sorry this had to happen to her Diamond. She's gonna heal an its gonna take time. You need to be there for her. The both of you" My doctor says. I busted out into tears. I didnt want my daughter to go thru the same thing I went thru. I'm still holding a grudge over my father til this day.

"When can I see her?"

"Hold on" she says an walks out.

"I can kill this motherfucker" Kjay says walking around the room. I was pissed at him too. But I had to maintain my strenght for my kids an unborn. I took a deep breath. Seconds later the door opened with Ms.Ross and Justice. Justice had changed her clothes. She had a sad frown on her face.

"Baby girl" I Say reaching out my arms. She runs over to me. I start crying. She cries too. "Mommy loves you! I love you so much. When we get home we're gonna go shopping an see that movie that you wanted too see. Go to Chuck E. Cheeses. Get our nails done. We're gonna have a blast" I say smiling at her.

"Can daddy come too?'' she asks. I wanted to say "HELL FUCK NO" But instead I said.

"Yes baby. He's gonna pay for everything" she laughs. "Im ready to go home"

"We're about too" I say gathering our things.

"Wheres Sydney?" I ask.

"Shes with Tyrone and Lily" Kjay says.

"They're together?" I ask

"Same thing I was saying. " He says shaking his head.

"Everything okay?" Lily says coming up to us hugging Justice.

"Everythings fine" I say lying.

"Baby girl how you doing?" Tyrone asked Justice.

"I just wanna go home with mommy an daddy" she says.

"What about me" Sydney asked.

"No. You let me leave you guys" she says. Awh damn she was gonna be mad at Sydney for a while.

"Aye now. Be nice. Lets get going. Thanks for being here" I say while hugging Lily and Tyrone.

"No problem" they both say. We say our good byes an depart.

"What are you doing?" Kjay asks me as Im packing a suitcase.

"Packing" I say.

"To go where?" he asks getting up.

"I need a break from all this shit okay. You, my family an friends. Every damn thing" I say.

"You know everytime you go thru some shit you always end up running from the problem" he says.

"Maybe if yall stop causing the problem shit won't fucking happen" I say.

"We cant argue after what we just sent thru with our child" he says.

"Thats exactly why Me and my kids are leaving" I say.

"No you're not Diamond. You cant keep running away from your problems like this. TALK TO ME!" He says pulling me closer to him.

"Why do you always hurt me. I love you so fucking much an you wanna get another bitch pregnant. I cant take this shit with you Kjay. Im so sorry but I just can't. I love you but I dont love you this much to keep getting hurt after all them times I've been there for you. Had your back an you still screw up. Im so sorry Kjay but I can't be with you" I say handing him the ring he gave me.

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