Chapter 3

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"Baby shower planning starts now!" Chantel says pulling out her Ipad Mini an bringing up her notes app.

"Yass. So im guessing the colors should be Blue?" LaNiya asks writing things down.

"What about yellow?" Chantel asks.

"No blue" LaNiya says.

"Yellow an Blue" Chantel says.

"Ew no" LaNiya says.

"Diamond what colors would you prefer?" Chantel asks.

"Blue.. An yellow" I say making things get evened out.

"Yayy" Chantel says making LaNiya roll her eyes. My last baby shower my mama grandma an Kimberly threw. It was ablast. We did the wobble an the line dance. Everything was great.

"Whatever. Menu?" LaNiya asks.

"Dont yall think its to early for all of this?" I ask

"Hell nah. Us black people forever late on shit" LaNiya says.

"Exactly' Kjay says coming in the door with our girls including Gabriella too.

"Shut up punk. Thanks for picking up my baby" LaNiya says.

"Whatever. So tell me how we pulling up thru the McDonalds drive thru an Im like im buying yall happy meals. So Ms. Gabriella says ''Mommy doesnt buy me happy meals'' Im like well what does mommy buy you'' she says '' An angus burger meal with 3 cookies'' So a nigga just bought 3 damn angus burgers meals with three cookies." Kjay says making us all laugh.

"Dont do my baby girl. She just spolied" LaNiya says.

"Spoiled my ass. Now my girls gonna wanna stop getting Happy Meals for a damn Angus burger thats damn near 6 dollars!'' he says making us laugh even harder.

"Yall think this shit a joke?" he asks with his serious face.

"Baby you're soo cheap" I say.

"He always been cheap" Chantel says.

"An always will" Kjay says.

''My nigga you finna be off in the NBA Playing professional basketball. You damn near making half a million dollars a day just by going to training" Chantel says.

"Man whatever. I could have more if i aint have to buy no damn angus burger" he says an walks to his room. My baby was so slow. Couldnt do nothing but love him. My phones starts vibrating letting me know its Tyrone. I get up an walk into the guest room.


"Hey baby girl. Congrats on the baby boy" he says making me smile.

"Thanks cousin" I say.

"Anytime. Ima stop by this weekend to pick up my nieces. I miss them" he says.

"Im pretty sure they miss you too" I say.

"Im the best uncle in the world. Don't tell Joshua an Jaheem I said that" he says making me laugh.

"Of course not" I say.

"Well you take care now lil nigga. Love you an tell my nephew he needs to hurry an come" he says.

"I love you too. An alright. Ima tell him to take his time!''

'You got jokes. Bye baby girl" he says an hangs up the phone. Tyrone has always been my favorite cousin. When I had Justice he was right there in the lobby waiting to see her with the rest of them. Ever since then he been spoiling her ass. Even Sydney.

"Guess whose coming to get you guys?" I ask the girls.

"Who?" They say.

"Uncle Tyrone coming to get you girls for the weekend" I say.

"Yayyy!" They both .

''Wheres Gabriella?" I ask.

"Shes in the bathroom" they say. I nod my head an make my way into the room.

"I gotta go bye" Kjay says really quick. I feel sick to the stomach. So I run to the bathroom an throw up.

"You ok?" He asks.

"Yea" I say getting up.

"Who were you..." I get cut off by Justice coming in the room.

"Daddy can we have a tea party?" she asks.

"Baby girl ..''

"Pleaseee" she says.

"Ok" he says. She walks out an he stomps his feet.

"Ha ha ha! Have fun" I say chunking up the dueces an going back to planning my baby shower with Chantel and LaNiya.

~Late That Night~

I woke up in the middle of the night to grab me something to eat. A fruit sounds good right about now. They girls was fast asleep. I walk around the house trying to find Kjay. He didnt have training tonight. I walk back into the kitchen an find a note that he has written.

Baby I'll see you in the morning. I tried waking you up but you didnt budge. See you after training

- Kjay

I bust out laughing. Fuck boy your training got canceled.

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