Chapter 7

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"You need to fix that" Joshua says.

"How bruh? How Can I fix this?" I ask.

"Rehab" he says getting up to get his laptop.

"How Ima go to rehab without Diamond knowing?" i ask.

"Easy. Tell her' he says.

"You making this shit sound so easy than what it is" I say getting frustrated with him.

"It was easy enough when you was fucking Miracle an aint no telling who else" he says. I sigh. He's right once again.

"Here" he says handing me his laptop. "Here's some rehab centers for sex addiction. Pick the best one that fits your situation." he says.

"Man I appreciate this but this shit aint gone work" I say.

"An you hurting my sister aint gone work either. She's pregnant with your baby. She's already under enough stress as it is an you round here fucking other hoes when you can easily get free pussy at home."

"Kjay you my nigga, More like my brother but the shit you doing aint right. Im here to help you cause you the only nigga that I trust with Diamond. But all that trust gone go away if you keep doing the shit that you doing"

"I understand bruh" I say.

''I hope man cause when my sister hurt I'm hurting too" He says.

"True. I'll be mad if you were to cheat on my sister too" I say.

"Exactly. So just cool it man an find help" he says.

"Thanks bruh" I say.

"Anything to keep you an my sister happy" he says smiling.


I sat in my bed going thru my album of me and Kjay. We had so many pictures together. From high school until now. I begin to smile while looking at our pictures then that smile fades away thinking about how big of a liar he is.

"Fuck him" I say closing an throwing the book. I pick up the remote control an turn on the T.v. Jerry Springer was on an they were having a twerk contest.

"Mommy what you doing?" Sydney asks coming in the room.

"Watching Jerry" I say.

"Ohhh they twerking!" she says.

"Gay men twerking" I say an we both laugh.

"He twerk better than me!" she says making me laugh.

"He twerk better than me to baby" I say. 

''Wheres uncle Kjay?" she asks.

"I dont know' I say.

"No need for the attitude towards me" she says.

"You know for an 5 year old you got alot of sense" I say thumping her head.

"My mama wasnt named Honey for nothing" she says with a smirk on her face.

"You act an look just like her" I say.

"I know I know. I wish  she was here with me" she says.

"Aye now don't get sad on me! We're in this together baby girl. Your mama is looking down at us saying 'Look at these ugly girls crying over me . Im in a better place' I say sounding like Honey. Sydney begins to laugh.

"You're right mommy'' she says kissing my cheeks. "I love you" she says.

"I love you too" I say. "Lets take some selfies for Insta" I say. She nods her head. We took so many pictures. I Just decided to make an collage.

"Dang ma. We already getting likes" she says as my Samsung Galaxy Mega kept going off. I checked Insta an saw we already had damn near 90 likes. Comment and all.

"Girl we cutee!" I sayy.

"YASSS!" She says flipping her hair. 

''You a mess. Where's Justice?" I ask.

"Sleep. She loves sleeping. Just like you. I tried waking her up but nawww. Aint finna get slapped" she says. An she's right if you try to wake Justice up from a nap you asking for WORLD WAR 3!

"You so silly" I say laughing.

"FORREAL MA! I know thats your daughter but that girl gone get pimp slapped" she says making me laugh even harder.

"Oh my god Sydney!" I say crying. She begins to laugh too.

"Whats so funny?" Justice asks coming in the room with a mean look on her face. We really start laughing then. "Ya'll woke me up!"

"Man see!" Sydney says. 

"Ugly people" Justice says while poking her tongue out an running off to her room. I love these girls. If it wasnt for them I dont think I'll ever be able to smile cause of all the pain I go thru on daily basis.

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