Chapter 18

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"Where the fuck is my daughter?" I ask the employor.

"Someone checked her out ma'am" she says looking scared.

"What the fuck do you guys got going on up there! You should ask for IDENTIFICATION!" I yell.

"Whats going on in here?" My father asks coming in the hallway with us. (LMFAOO YALL THOUGHT HE HAD HER. NAW HE DONT.)

"Someone checked out Justice. Was it your child molester ass?" I ask.

"Diamond I swear I wouldnt hurt her." he says looking me dead in my eyes. 

"Ma'am we will have your daughter back to you immediately" she says. "Come with me to the office an we will talk to the manager over the Camp Carnival. I promise you we will have your daughter back to you" she says as we're walking. It was me, Kjay Joshua an my father. My mom was on her way down. Everyone else stayed with the kids.

''We're going to do a shut down on the whole cruise. We weill check all of the rooms. From head to toe. It never goes wrong" she says

"Wait so this shit happen all the damn time?" Kjay asks.

"Yes sir. We've tried...." Kjay cuts her off.

'' Y'all better find my motherfucking daughter! I should sue this damn cruise line. Fuck wrong with y'all. I swear if yall dont find my daughter you will be the first bitch I kill!" he yells.

"An Ima help yo ass bae!"

"Whats going on in here Maddie?" says another lady.

''Our daughter is missing! Someone checked her up. I swear I will blow this motherfucker up!" I scream.

"Ma'am please calm down. Maddie pull up the cameras" says the lady.

"Its not coming up" Maddie says. Something in my mind telling me this bitch lying.

"Get up" says the lady. " Do you guys know this man?" she asks turning the computer screen to us.

"Can you zoom in?" Joshua asks. She zooms in. 

"I can't figure out the face" I say. 

"Wait what the fuck did he hand you?" I ask Maddie looking at the video. Looks like the guy handed her some money.

"Lets turn up the volume" says the manager. She turns it up.

"Hi welcome to Camp Carnival. How Can I help you?''

"Is there a little girl name Justice here?"

"Hold on... Yess. Justice Moore"

"Is there anyway I can check her out"

"Related to her?"

"No. But I'll pay you a grand to not say I took her"

*Hands her the grand*

"YOU BITCH!" I get up from the seat to knock her ass out.

"SECURITY!" The manager says. 5 Black guys plus Kjay, Joshua an my father help me get up off of her.

"Take Maddie where she belongs Mack and Quan. You three go start looking for this poor little girl. Search everything. Closets bedrooms, bathrooms, suitcases. We're not getting off at Jaimaca until we find this little girl" the manager says.

"Thank you so much" I say to her crying.

"Ma'am stop crying. We're gonna find your baby girl an when we do we will take off the 7 days of your trip an give you all your money back" she says making me smile.

"Just find my baby" I say.

"Indeed" she says an walks off

*Hours Later*

It was now me, Kjay, Joshua, My mom, My father and Tyrone. Hours had went by an nothing was found. I couldn't sleep without my baby girl in my arms. I just prayed she was okay. I was having stomach pains back to back. I felt lil man kicking. He wanted his sister back too.

"Baby lay here" Kjay says to me.

"Im not going to sleep" I say.

"Diamond you need some rest. We'll wake you up when something happens" My mother says.

"No" I say.

"Stop being so damn stubborn" Kimberly says coming in the room with us.

"You go to hell"

"Diamond get some rest baby" My mother says

"Do it for you unborn. Its not good" My father asks.

"You shut the fuck up. You sure you don't know that man who got my daughter? You probably paid him to do some shit like that. Let them pull up some more videos." I say.

"DIAMOND!" My mother says.

"An there you go taking up for his ass. Will you ever fucking learn? You probably ain't try to kill his ass anyway when you found him raping me. You probably knew all them damn years. It was 7 years straight. You know that right? Yeah I bet you do. I can't trust no damn one. I dont even know why Im on this damn trip with you guys. Y'all ain't my fucking family. Fuck all y'all man. When I get my daughter we leaving this damn cruise. I swear" I say getting up.

"You right we ain't your damn family an matter of fact Kjay aint really yo man. I hear he probably the baby daddy of that girl yall went to school with child. That one girl ... damn... MIRACLE! Yeah your own finance round here making babies. Is your life miserable now? You swear up an down you the shit but you ain't. My own husband moaning your damn name in his dreams. You ruined my life soon as you were born. An if you wanna know the damn truth. I knew about our father raping you. I wish our mother never caught him. He was doing me an him both a favor ruining your life forever. I should of let your ass got pregnant when Kjay texted you that morning saying the condom had a hole in it. But I was being a good sister. But now the truth is out. You taking over my life an damn near taking my husband. I FUCKING HATE YOU DIAMOND!' She says getting up in my face. I felt weak an numb. My mouth was dry. My head was spinning. Everything was turning into a blur. I wiped my eyes an took a deep breath.

"Kimeberly!" My mother yells.

"Someone had to tell her , her life wasnt a fairy tale. Hope you get that devil back. She aint nothing but a devil that was created by another devil" Kimberly says an walks out the room.

"The Moore Family. We've found your princess" We turn around an I see my daughter who clothes clothers are bloody an tears are running down her face........

I swear this book gets better an better everytime!

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