Chapter 23 *REPOST*

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Me and Lily rushed to the hospital soon as I got the call. We buckled up all the kids an we were on it. When we got there everyone was in the waiting room. All looking scared, hurt an some was even crying. I sat in the far corner with Joshua.

"How she doing?" I ask him, My brother was crying, Thats how I knew something was up.

"Not so good. Shes dying slowly" he says breaking down crying. I began crying too. Kjay busts thru the waiting room a few minutes later.

"DADDDDY!" Justice and Sydney screams. He runs up an hugs them. He grabs Junior from Lily an walks over to where I was sitting.

"I tried to get here soon as possible. How is she doing?"

"She's dying" I say wiping away my tears.

"Im so sorry baby. Im here for you" he says trying to hug me. I push him off. 

"You can be here for your kids. " I say to him.

"Not right now man" Joshua says looking at me. "Give him a hug. You need it". I ignore him an stay seated. I didnt need his hug.

"Can I have a seat at least?" he asks me, I dont say anything. He still takes a seat.

Hours went by an we were all still in the waiting room.

"Where's Kim?" I asked my father.

"Her phone is going straight to the answer machine" He says trying to call her again.

"Family Of Ashely" Says a black male doctor. We all stand up.

''How is she doing?" Joshua asks.

"I'm sorry to have to say this but your mother just passed away a few mintues ago. Im so sorry for you loss. We tried to do everything that we could do. But their was nothing we could do"

~Days Later~

I stayed locked up in my house ever since the death of my mother. From what I hear Joshua , Kim and My father is planning everything. Me and Kim still aren't speaking. When she found out about our mother she made a big scene in the waiting room. I honestly wanted to knock her ass out. Family was coming in day by day. Some asked about me an Joshua told them I'll be at the funeral. But today their were all going to Kim's house so I decided to go too.

"Mommy daddy at the door" Justiced says while I'm getting junior dressed.

"Open it" I say. "Mommy little boy is so cute. Oh yes he issssss" I say kissing his chubby cheeks.

''Wassup?" Kjay says entering the room an kissing me on the forehead.

"Nothing. Can you fix Junior a couple bottles for me. I'm not about to breast feed him in front of my family" I say.

"But you'll do it in front of me making me jealous an shit" he says walking out the room. I begin to laugh.

"We are all ready to go" I say grabbing Junior baby bag"

"You lost all your baby weight" Kjay says with a smirk on his face.

"You think so? I can still lose a couple pounds" I say looking in the mirror.

"No you're fine. Fine as hell. Im glad you my baby momma" he says making me roll my eyes.

"Lets go" I say walking out the door.

When we got to Kim house it was full of cars. I haven't seen these people in so long and I'm pretty sure they know about what happened to Justice. I do not like my family knowing my damn business.

"You have on your ring" Kjay says smiling.

"This is just temporary. You know how rude my family could be" I say while grabbing his hand. "Lets act like an happy family" Justice runs an knocks on the door. Robert opens it up. 

"Hey baby girl" he says picking her up.

"Heyyyy" she says hugging him around her neck. I'm trying to be nice here cause I havent forgot about him moaning my name at night.

"Hey Sydney" he says.

"Hi" she says an walks around him.

"Thanks for coming" he says to us. I smile. Kjay just looks at him an takes Justice away from him.

"I don't want you touching my daughter like that" He says.

"Oh now she's your daughter" he says.

"Not this shit man " I say coming in between them. "Lets go'' I say grabbing Kjay hand an walking thru the house.

"Hey Ms. Thang" Says one of my aunties. Shit I ain't know her name.

"Hey auntie" I say giving her a hug.

"Think since you got you a basketball player you better than everybody?" she asks.

"Nooo. Not at all" I say trying to keep my cool.

"I guess. You have beautiful kids" she says looking at Sydney. "Different fathers?" 

"Um yes. This one is not mines. Her mother was like my bestfriend so I decided to take her in" I say holding my tongue. This is why I never remembered her name.

"Taking people kids in but can't bother to fuck with us" She says.

"Sisssyyy!" Joshua says saving my life an my tongue.

"Hey bro" I say eyeing him.

"Auntie you messing with my sister after our mother just passed away?" he askss.

"Hmphh" she says an gets up an walks away.

"Diamonddddddd!!" I turn around an see my favorite cousin Jewel. (Y'all like what I did their? Jewel from Falling for a thugg!)

"OMGG! I miss you sooo muchh!" I say giving her a hug.

"I Misses you too! I want you to meet my husband Jaquan an your little cousin Daquan and Ariel.

"Your kids are beautiful! An nice to meet you" I say while picking up Ariel.

"Nice to meet you too. Sorry about your lost" he says giving me a hug.

"Thanks alot' I say. "But anywho this is my .... uh.. Fiance Kjay and my two kids. Justice and Junior. Now Sydney was my best friend child.." Jewel cuts me off.

"Who passed away in the school shut down or something like that" she says. "Tyrone informs me alot"

"I see" I say laughing.

"But nice to meet you Mr.Kjay" Jewel says sizing him up. I'm guessing Tyrone has told her about us as well.

"Nice to meet you too. Aye lets go chill with the guys' he says to Jaquan. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and Jaquan does the same to Jewel.

"BEHAVE! Mostle all my cousins look like me and Diamond! You know we some bad bitches!" she says to Jaquan making me laugh.

"Where did you find that Fine piece of caramel?" I ask her.

"The mall" she says making me laugh.

"I have missed alot huh?" I ask.

"Pretty much" She says smiling at me. "So when were you gonna tell me about Kjay getting drafted to the L.A Lakers?"

I thought I'll bring some more characters in! Cause yall forever asking me about Jewel An Jaquan So I think Ima let them have a lead role in this book also!!!!!!!!!!! More drama :D

But How Does Jewel Know about Kjay?

How is Diamond going to react?


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