Chapter 6

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"He's cheating. I can feel it" I say as Im on the phone with LaNiya.

"Don't say that Diamond" she says.

'No LaNiya. I peep shit" I say lying thru my teeth. I dont have evidence of Kjay really cheating I just gotta feeling he is an if he not then what the hell he doing?

"Ask him" she says.

"He's gonna lie LaNiya!" I scream.

"Aye na keep calm. Don't go taking your anger out on me" she says.

"Im sorry" I say.

"But like I said talk to him again. Make him tell you the truth" she says.

"Hmm. Ok I'll try" I say shaking my head.

"Alright. Let me know how it goes. Love you boo. I'll talk to you later" she says.

"Love you too" I say hanging up. 

"Mommyy!" Justice says running thru the door. Kjay had went an got them.

"Hey baby" I say hugging her. "Hey Sydney''. She looks like she's been crying.

"Didnt have a good day at school" Kjay says.

"What happen baby?" I ask her.

"Girls was messing with me saying thats why you dont have a mommy" she says crying almost making me cry.

"What the hell?" Kjay asks. "I asked her an she wouldnt tell me. Im taking my ass back to that school" Kjay says.

"No wait. Baby whose the girls?" I ask.

"I dont know them. They say they mommy know my mommy an daddy. An that they mommy told them" she says crying.

"Who could this be?" I ask Kjay.

''Hell if I know but Ima find out. Messing with my god daughter slash baby girl slash niece slash I will beat a nigga or bitch ass about" he says making us laugh.

"Daddy funny" Justice says.

"Sydney tomorrow me an uncle Kjay are gonna come to your school an stop this non sense. This is bullying an bullying is not good" I say to her.

"Yes ma'am" she says.

'Alright now go an get out them school clothes an come get a snack" I say to her while kissing her forehead. She nods her head an runs off.

"Finna be riot at that school tomorrow" Kjay says.

"No no. We're just gonna have a meeting with the principal an girls mother. I wanna see who the bitch is" I say.

"Hell yea" Kjay says going into the kitchen.

"Mhmm" I say.

"You still mad at me?'' he asks.

"As of right now Im concerned about how my girls are getting treated. Me and you can talk another time. My girls are way more important" I say an walking right pass him.


"Im so ready for your sister to have this damn baby" I say to Joshua. Im at his house chilling with him. Me and Diamond aint on good terms.

"Why you say that? Her hormones just fucked up like a regular pregnant women" he says passing the blunt to me.

"Naw bruh its worst this time around" I say.

"What you done did nigga?'' he asks.

'Man" I say.

"Kjay be a hundred with yo shit. What you been doing? You know Diamond aint a fool' he says.

'Man I ran into Miracle ass a few months ago" I say.

"An whats been going on?" He asked.

"We've beeen fucking around. Condom slipped up an popped this one time" I say putting my head in my hands.

"Kjay stop fucking up man. You was doing good. What if Diamond finds out?'' He asks.

"Bruh she not. Ima handle it" I say.

"This aint shit to just handle. You done put my sister thru so much Kjay" he says.

"I know bruh an Im sorry. I dont know whats going on with me" i say.

"Need to get your prioritys straight" he says. "Man my fucking sister loves you! Been with you since she was 16. Damn near 5 years of putting up with your bullshit Kjay. What is she not doing?" he asks.

"She's doing everything right" I say covering my face with my hands.

"Then whats up? Why you doing it?" he asks.

"I think Im addicted to sex" I say finally telling someone the truth.

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