Chapter 12

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"What were you and Jaheem talking about?' Diamond asks soon as Jaheem leaves.

"Nothing important" I say.

"It had to be important! YOU WENT TO THE POOLHOUSE!" She yells.

"Not now Diamond" I say giving her the look.

"Not now my ass. What the hell is going on? Why are you keeping secrets from me Kjay. Im your fiance. We suppose to tell each other everything!" she says looking like shes abou to cry.

"I do tell you everything" I say.

"There you go lying again. When will you ever learn to take me seriously. All those times I left you , you still havent learned. Its gonna be a time I leave for good then you'll learn your damn lesson." she says an walks off.

"Ohh you made mommy mad" Sydney says.

"Thats not good" Justice says.

"Both of yall be quiet" I say.

"Still havent learned" Justice says.

"Left you an came back. You'll learn one day" Sydney says an follows Justice. These lil 5 year olds are something else.


Today was saturday an I was willing to get out the house and go shopping for my baby boy. The girls was going out with Chantel and Joshua. Kjay on the other hand I didnt care about. Keeping secrets from me wasnt good. The more I thought about the shit the more it bothered me.

"Where are you off too?" he asks.

"Out" I say putting on my Michael Kors watch.

"Nice watch you got there. Who bought it?" he asks.

"My fiance." I say.

"Good man"

"Not really. He finna get cut off if he keep hiding secrets from me. It aint none to cut that nigga off. Cut that bitch off,,, Cut that bitch off!" I say thinking of the song in my head.

"Cut that shit out" he says.

"Bye" I say grabbing my purse an walking out.

"You still havent answered my question" he says.

"There was no question to answer. But Im not gonna keep secrets from you like you do me. Im going shopping for our son. I would invite you but I dont want too" I say with a smile on my face.

"Do you need more dick? I would love to give you some" he says.

"Naw actually I'm fine. I think you need more help if you're thinking about screwing me over again. Or is it to late huh?" I ask. He doesnt say anything. "Exactly. Kjay when I bring my son into this world I want an happy family. With no problems. Its already gonna be alot of stress with a new baby in the house. I dont want it to be even more stress if you also have one on the way" I say just thinking about if he does. What if he does?

"Just go Diamond" he says ''Maybe today will be my day to get some rest"

"Or make sure the baby is yours" I say laughing. 

"WHAT!" He says.

"Im just playing damn. Do you think I'll still be with your ass? Nigga if you gotta baby on the way besides this one I revise you to start planning your funeral. Im gonna get all the money of course. Maybe I'll give your mom some." I say laughing.

"You're scaring me" he says.

"Thats good. Maybe that'll teach you to not even think about cheating on me. Now bye" I say walking out the door. It was such a beautiful day. Plus I had Kjay black card too. Oh yeah today was gonna be the shit!

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