Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning to the kicking of my son. Im just 3 months an he's already doing kart wheels. I start to get out of the bed but look down an see that Kjays arms are around my waist. I roll my eyes an remove his arms. I wonder what time did he get in last night. Honestly I dont even remember falling asleep. I walk in the restroom and look in the mirror.

"DAMN IT!" I say. I forgot to wrap my hair. LaNiya is gonna kill me when she see's Im not taking good care of my sew in. 

"You ok?" Kjay asks half asleep.

"Yeah" I say walking out the bathroom. I look at my phone an its just 2. Feel like I've been sleep for a long time.

"Come back to bed" He says.

"What time did you get here?" I ask.

"About 9" he says.

"Was I sleep?"

"You an the girls was knocked out" he says smiling. I giggle. I get back in bed.

"Love you" He says kissing my cheeks.

"You too" I say an dozing back to sleep.

"MOMMY!" Justice says shaking me awake.

"Damn girl what?" I ask making her look sad.

"Its time to get up gosh" she says poking her tongue out an walking out the room. I look at the time an its 7. I groan to myself.

"I can take them to school" Kjay says.

''What about the meeting?" I ask.

"Meetings at that school are usually scheduled after school. I can take care of this Diamond. They're my girls too" he says making a point.

"Ok I guess" I say turning back over an going to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating. I look at the time an see its 12. I do need to start my day. I look at my phone an see its my mama. Awh damn I forgot to tell her what I'm having. She finna kill me.

"Hey mama" I say with a fake greeting.

"Dont hey mama me. When was you gone tell me about my grandson? I had to find out from Jaheem" she says.

"Im sorry mama. I been busy" I say lying.

"Dont lie to me Diamond." she says. I sigh. "Anyways congrats baby." 

"Thanks ma" I say yawning.

"You was sleep?" she asks.

"Yes. But Im finna get up now I have a meeting at Justice and Sydney school" I say while getting up from the bed.

"Oh yea. I heard about that too from Joshua" she says making me roll my eyes. What haven't she heard?

"Oh" I say

"Mhmm. Well you call me after the meeting an let me know how that goes. Love you baby. An I hope Kjay not the reason you acting like this. Bye now" she says an hangs up the phone before I can even say anything back. I put my phone on airplane mode not wanting to deal with anyone's else attitude. I head to the bathroom to get freshen up.

"You ready?" Kjay asks while coming in the room.

"Yea" I say struggling putting on my Jordans. Kjay starts laughing.

"Are you gonna help me or keep fucking laughing?" I ask throwing a shoe at him.

"Shut that shit up" he says an catching the shoe an walking over toward me. "Grown as women in a kids size 4" he says making me bust out laughing.

"I can never stay mad at you" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Cause me an you both know Im not doing anything" He says tying my shoes.

"So where were you?" I ask.

"My trainer had cancelled training but I went anyway" he says looking me in the eyes.

"Honestly?" I ask.

"Honestly" he says kissing me on the lips.

"Should of told me that in the get go" I say thumping his head.

"You wasnt believing me" He says. I start to giggle.

"I KNOWWW I KNOWW I KNOWWW!" I say mimocking Rich Homie Quan song with Yo gotti.

"Them streets they fuck with me strong. Them bitches gone come just because money long!" Kjay says rapping along.

"I KNOWW I KNOWW I KNOWW! JUST KNOW THAT I KNOW!" I say. Kjay starts to laugh.

"My wifey got some gangsta in her!" he says.

"Yea yea yea. Thats my shit or whatever" I say bobbing my head to the beat.

When we get to the school we go straight for the prinicpals office. The girls are in the cafteria with the after school program.

"Mr.&Mrs. Jackson?" says the principal. He was a tall black man who looked about in his fifties.

"Yes. Nice to meet you Mr.Jefferson" I say shaking his hand.

"Its a pleasure to meet you too" I say while he was shaking Kjay hand.

"The other parents are in the office. Follow me" he says. We follow him to a bigger room. When we walk in I catch eyes with someone I never wanted to see again.

"Mrs. Jackson this is-'' I cut him off.

"Miracle. Miracle Johnson from high school"


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