Chapter 15

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The ride to our destination was filled with laughter an fun. Well for me it wasnt. I made sure Justice and Sydney was by my side during the whole ride. Kj wouldn't speak to me. My mother was booed up with my father. Kim was next to them laughing. Robert on the other hand kept looking my way. We always made eye contact. I would kinda fell arkward. Maybe Its because I was already hyped. Everyone was enjoying theirselfs. 

"Mommy look!" Justice said pointing toward the window. We was finally here at the port. Cruises was lined up everywhere.

"Ohh look at the Disney cruise!" I hear Crystal say.

"Daddy say we're going on that one for my birthday" Justice says.

"No you're not" Crystal says.

'Yes I am"

"No you not"

"Enough girls' I say. Crystal sticks her tongue out.

"Lil girl I'll take your tongue out" I say to her. I look over at Kim who rolls her eyes.

"Lets get this vacation started" Joshua says trying to make everybody happy.

"Lil cuz whats wrong?" Tyrone asks scaring me.

"The hell? You wasn't on the bus" I say. He laughs.

"I know I got a ride from my girlfriend" he says. 

''Girlfriend?" I ask. 

" Baby can you get this bag for me" Says a Light skinned girl with a body out of this roll. She favored Irene the dream from the twerk team. She was defiantly a baddie.

"Well damn" I hear Jaheem say as he gets off the bus.

"Aww you must be Diamond" she says coming for a hug. I hug her back.

"Yes. An whats your name?" I ask.

"My name is Lily" she says smiling. She even had dimples.

"Nice to meet you" I say smiling.

"Aww you're having a baby boy right?" she asks rubbing my stomach.

'Yes ma'am" I say.

"You're gonna have the best bag from me" she says.

"Hey Lily" Justice and Sydney says.

"Hey girls" she says hugging an kissing them on the cheek.

"Ya'll know Lily?' i ask.

"Yes Ma. She always at uncle Tyrone house" Justice says.

"An Im just now finding out about her" I say.

''Im sorry cuz. It was a surprise" Tyrone says grinning. I can see he was happy to have her.

"Whats up cuz.... damnn" Joshua says looking at Lily.

''Hello" Lily says to the boys. They all stare an look her up an down.

'Well just pretend we're not here" LaNiya says rolling her eyes.

''Damn I'll smash her" Chantel says.

'Everyone this is Lily' Tyrone says.

"Nice to meet everyone" Lily says smiling. I already loved her spirit. She seemed like a chill girl.

"Bout time my boy got him somebody" Kjay says dapping up. "Its a pleasure to meet you" She smiles.

"Well we better get going" My father says. Everyone gathers there things an starts walking toward the cruise entrance.

~Hour Later~

"This place is wonderful" Lily says while me an her are on the pool deck having a smoothie.

"It is" I say smiling. Me and Lily had been up under each other ever since we got on the cruise. The kids was with Chantel and LaNiya. I had needed a break.

"How long have you and Tyrone been together?" I ask her.

"Tyrone has always been my first love. He took my virginity back in high school. Then thing started to get rough on us so we decided to separate. Then somehow he found me on facebook an ever since then we linked up an decided to start all over. He's like a father to my Daughter Quasha who is only 7. He treats her like thats his own child" she says.

"Aww Im so proud to here that you guys are on good terms" I say.

"We're trying to have a baby" she says blushing.

"Is you trying hard enough?" I ask.

"Yes ma'am. Your cousin stroke game is A1!" She says making me laugh.

"Oh My god!"

"So how long have you been with Kjay?" she asks.

"Since I was 16'' I say

"Wow. So Im guessing he took your virginity too?" she asks.

"Well..." I say drfiting off.

"Its okay Tyrone has told me. I just wanted to hear it from you" she says.

"I just cant believe he's on this family trip with us'' I say.

'I cant believe it either. But dont let him bring you down on your vacation. You're here to turn up girl!" she says making me laugh.

"You're right" I say. Lily was a sweetheart. I really liked her. She didnt act like she was better than us. She seemed like she would be there for us through it all. I was happy my cousin had found her.

"Girl Im so ready to hit the clubs up tonight" she says as we're making our way to our rooms.

"Girl yaasss! I maybe pregnant but I can stil twerk" I say. She begins to laugh.

"Girl you so silly" She says.

"I try. But what.....' I get cut off my an commotion thats coming from our hall way.

"Kim calm down" I hear Joshua say.

" Alright Alright. Ima calm down. But I swear all these motherfucking secrets are gonna be let out soon! An when they do its gonna be some heart breaks" she says an slams her door. We all look at each other. We're all confused. What secrets was she talking bout? An whose hearts were gonna be broken? That damn Kim was up to something an whatever it is its gonna wreck our family. I can feel it.

What is Kim up too?


Family Vacation so far?

Whats about to go down?

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