Chapter 9

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"Nice seeing yall again" Miracle says with a smirk on her face.

"You guys know each other?" Mr. Jefferson says.

"Hell yeah" Kjay says shaking his head.

"Bet you do" Miracle says under her breath.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Nothing. Can we get this over with? I got places to be" she says.

"Lets get started" Mr. Jefferson says.

"So why is your daughter picking on Sydney?" I ask starting it off. She begins to laugh. "I dont find shit funny" 

"Its funny how you swear Sydney is your daughter when she's not" Miracle says with a smirk on her face again.

"Does it matter? Why did you even tell your daughter about my baby life an what shes been thru? You should be the bigger person Miracle" I say.

"Why you so quiet?" she says looking at Kjay. He glares at her. I remember back in high school they had a thing for each other. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Miracle look you know the shit you doing is hella wrong an disrecpectful. We never did anything to you. Now you're messing with a child. How could you go that low?" Kjay asks. She sighs.

"Its time for me to go before I fuck up an relations-" she stops talking. "I'll talk to my daughter. There will be no more of her mouth or bullying toward your precious beautiful daughter Sydney. Bring her real parents next time maybe we'll get some where" she says an walks out the door.

"Well that went nice" Mr.Jefferson says.

"It sure did. If my daughter have anymore trouble with her daughter we are taking this to court for bullying" I say.

"I understand Mrs. Jackson" he says nodding his head.

"Have a blessed day" I say patting his back an walking out with Kjay following behind me. We walk to the cafteria to get the girls. They start to smile when they see us.

"Mommy did you fix it?" Sydney asks.

"Anything for my babygirl!" I say kissing her cheek


"I knew it was somebody we knew bae. Who esle could it have been?" Diamond asks while we are in the pool house cleaning up. Shes been going on an on about this Miracle an her daughter shit.  I dont know what to say. Im happy Miracle aint slip up an say shit cause that would of been my relationship. My fiance. My kids. My family. Shit my whole life.

"Do you not hear me talking to you?" she asks.

"Im sorry baby. Alot was going thru my mind at the time" I say.

"I see cause you're ignoring me." she says throwing the mop at me. She forever throwing shit.

'Why you always throwing shit Diamond" I say walking over to her making her jump.

"Im talking about our kids an you're off in space thinking about who knows what Kjay" she says yelling. Thats one thing about Diamond. She never backs down. I believe she'll fight me if she had a reason to.

"An I said my bad for not listening to you. Didn't I?" I say.

"Whatever man. Move" she says trying to push me out the way. I stand in front of her blocking everywhere she goes.

"Move damn" she says. I know exactly whats wrong with her.

''I know whats wrong with you" I say picking her up an carrying her to the poolhouse bedroom

"Put me down" she says pouting. I open the door an walk towards the bed an lay her down on it. I get on top of her an start placing kisses on her neck.

''Kjay stop" she moans as Im sucking her neck.

"Nope. You asked for it" I say unbluckling her jeans.

'No..Ah.Noo I didnt" she says in between moans

"Uh huh" I say now slipping her panties off. She was already soaked. Just looking at her panties made me get hard as a rock. She reaches down pulling off my gym shorts an then my boxers.

"Full alert" she says giggling. I giggle to then slide my dick in.

"Ohh shitt" I say trying to restrain myself. She's never been this wet before. I couldnt even forcus. Damn man. I cant bust just yet. Stay strong Kjay man. STAY STRONG.

"AWWW PAPI!" She moans out loud. She talking FOREIGN! Pussy wet. Walls tight. Aw damn no. Hold up. I start stroking slowly cause this pussy was to wet. I cant take it honestly.

"Fuck" I say.

"DONT STOPP!" She moans. Im happy the girls are at the house cause Diamond is an animal right now.

"Aye bae chill" I say kissing her lips trying to keep the moans on the low but she's moaning while Im kissing her.

"Fuck. Keep going" she says as Im hitting her harder an going deeper. After about 20 minutes we both came. It was hard to pull out. I felt weak as fuck. Diamond has never been this agressive. I lay on my back an turn over to look at her. She was knocked out. These pregnancy hormones were driving her crazy. My phone starts to vibrate an I see Miracle name pop up. The fuck she wants. I ease out of bed an walk to the other side of the pool house.

"What man?" I ask.

"Well hey to you too" she says giggling.

"It was nice seeing you today.  What a happy family you have" she says

" Man What you want?" I say.

"I missed my period' she says.

"Miracle dont fucking play with me" I say. That condom did slip up an poped

"Im not playing Kjay" she says.

"Why you telling me for? I aint the only one you fucking" I say.

"An you're right but you're the last one I fucked" she says.

"Who esle you fucking Miracle? Who was the last one you had unprotected sex with?" I ask her.

"Jaheem. But he pu-'' Before she can finish talking I hang up on her. Me and Jaheem fucking the same girl AGAIN?!

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