Chapter 10

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I woke up in the pool house later on that day feeling great. Kjay had put me to sleep. But now where was he?

"Kjay?" I yell. Nothing.

"KJAYY!" I yell again. Seconds later I hear footsteps.

"Yea" he says sounding like he was sleep.

"Oh I thought you left me by myself" I say.

"I just came back from putting the girls to sleep then I had dozed off. Lets go back to the house" He says coming over to help me out of bed. He grabs my hand an helps me out of bed.

"Im hungry" I say pouting.

"What you want?" He asks.

"Big Mac with extra big mac sauce with a large frie with some sweet and sour sauce to go with it. With a large McFlurry. Extra oreos. Oh yeah extra salt on the fries. Should I get 3 cookies or 6? No get the 15 cookies for 5 dollars that way I can have some for later. A large tea hold the ice.-" Kjay cuts me off.

"How many people are you eating for babe?" he asks making me bust out laughing.

"Im sorry. Im hungry" I say. We make it to the house.

"I'll get whatever you want baby. Text it to me now" He says putting on a hoodie an slipping on some Jordan slides.

"Yay Ok" I say taking out my phone an texting him. "Be safe love you" I say kissing his cheek.

"Ok. See you soon" he says while leaving. While I was sleep I had over 10 missed calls





My Mama

"Well damn" I say outloud. I decided not to call none of them back. They were probably sound asleep anyway. I grabbed the remote control in my room an turned on the tv. It was a late night special on HBO.

"Lawd" I say as I was watching this lady sit on a man face. My pussy started tingling. I changed the channel immdiately. Finally decided to watch Fruitvale Station until Kjay made it back with my food. Minutes later I heard the door open. I got up an ran.

"Thanks baby!" I say grabbing my food. It smelled soo good.

"You welcome fat ass" He says.

"I aint fat just my ass" I say stuffing my mouth with fries. They were seasoned with extra salt. Yessss!

"You gone have high blood pressure Diamond" Kjay said sighing.

"No Im not' I say.

'Diamond Im concerned about my son health. An I want his mother to be concerned too. Next time you want something from McDonalds its gonna be an sald. Understood?" I sat there with my mouth open. No this motherfucker didn't.

"Hello" he says.

"Yea man" I say.

"Its only good for you an the baby Diamond" he says.

"I guess you're right. But you cant take it completely from me" I say.

"Not completely. But we gotta watch your eating" he says. I nod my head. For the first time In Kjay life he has said something very productive.

~Next Day~

I was sound asleep until I heard knocks at the door. I let whoever it was just knock praying they'll go away. I guess not cause they kept knocking. I groaned out of bed slipped on some slippers an went to the door. I looked out the peep hole an it was LaNiya. She was crying.

''Whats wrong?" I asked while opening the door.

"Jaheem done fucked around an got a bitch pregnant. Soon as me an him get on good turns" she says.

"Whose the bitch?" I ask closing the girl/

"That part he will not tell me. All this shit we been thru an he does this shit. I swear I think he still holding that anger in him from when I slept with Keon" she says.

"Did you talk to him about it?" I ask.

'What is there to talk about Diamond?" she asks.

"Theres alot to talk about when it comes to shit like that LaNiya. Thats no excuse. I wish Kjay would go out an get another bitch pregnant. You talking bout leaving his ass for good an taking all his damn money" I say getting mad just thinking about Kjay cheating on me. Lawd knows I will kill his ass. I swear.

"You're right like always. He's been calling me an everything. Did he talk to you about Sydney?' she asks.

"I havent talked to Jaheem in a little minute. But naw what about Sydney?" I ask.

"He wants to get an DNA on her and Gabriella. Those girls look alike Diamond. Cant you tell" she says showing me her phone were she has made an collage of both of the girls.

"Oh shit. Yup he the papppy!" I say making her laugh.

''He says if he is he wants to start taking care of Sydney more since you guys already have two" she says.

"Jaheem needs to come to me about this. I have absolutely no problem with him being concerned but he needs to come to me an maybe we can make something happen" I say.

"I told him the samething. But all that changed when I found out he was fucking another bitch an got her pregnant. I wanna meet the bitch. Teach her a thing or two" LaNiya says getting up out of her seat an walking around.

"Girl sit down! If you feel like Jaheem is still punishing you for something you did a while back you need to talk to him. You an Keon was like 4 years ago. If he still holding that against you its time to let go" I say.

'I cant just let go Diamond. Jaheem was my first everything! An he knows it too. Yea I did him dirty but everyone makes mistakes an I know what I did was wrong" she says.

"All this shit you telling me you need to be telling him" I say.

"Its better said then done" She says.

"Well LaNiya only thing I can say is do what your heart feels like doing"

"You wanna talk to him for me?" she asks.

"An say what LaNiya?" I ask.

"Diamond He'll tell you who the bitch is. He'll tell you everything" she says. I shake my head. "Please Diamond"

"Ok LaNiya. I'll call him up when you leave" I say. My phone vibrates."This wierd he just texted me saying can he stop by" I say while replying to his text.

"Thanks alot. Now Im finna go home an stuff my face with ice cream an cry my lil eyes out" She says getting up.

"Love you baby girl" I say hugging an kissing her.

''I love you too" she says while starting back crying.

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