Chapter 25

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"Huh?" he asks.

"I wanna know all the dirt that you did" I ask him.

"Will we still be together?" he asks.

"Damn you done did that much?" I ask him.

"No Diamond." he says.

"Well lets start talking" I say.

"Where you want me to begin?" he asks.

"From where it hurts the most" I say.

"You remeber the trainer that called that afternoon an you was tripping?" he asks.


"She sucked my dick. Im sorry." he says.


"Then me an her fucked a couple weeks after. I didn't even bust a nut" he says. I giggle. Just wait on the shit I had to tell him.

"Its getting good. Keep going" I say.

"Then I got my dick sucked my some other trainer. She wasn't good at all. I had to stop her. Then I met up with Miracle an we fucked now she claim pregnant but come to find out the baby wasn't mines" he says.

"An how do you know?" I ask.

"Baby black as fuck. An she got a DNA test" he says shaking his head.

"Oh" I say.

"But thats it. I promise" he says.

"Well shit" I say

"What?" he says.

"I fucked Jaheem, got pregnant but had an abortion twice, then he ate me out, Then I turned around an sucked one of LaNiya friends dick. I fucked him too by the way. No condom at that. He maybe the father of Junior.,... Oops sorry. Then he came back around a couple weeks ago when you was acting like a bitch an we fucked again. In your bed an all. Yupppppp" I say.  His face was priceless. "We being honest aren't we?" I ask.

"You a fucking thot bruh! I kissed yo ass after you out here sucking niggas dick an shit. Then you fucked Jaheem. My own damn bestfriend! You bitch! Fuck you bruh I fucking swear bruh fuck you an everything. I fucking loved you Diamond. Then you do this shit to me!" he yells. I bust out laughing.

"The fuck is so funny?" He asks.

"You nigga. You really believe I'll do some dirty shit like that towards you? I ain't a hoe like you.  I kept this pussy to you an only you. Played with myself a few times but still. I ain't out here fucking nobody but  you. All fun an games when you doing the shit but when I say I'm doing it you wanna kill me an call me a thot when we all know you're the thot" I say. "I ain;t out here giving my pussy out to these niggas. Never that. Scared I ain't gone never find another good dick like you"

"Why you play so much" he says rubbing his hands across his face.

"Because I love you an I wanna wish the best for you'' I say.

"What you tryna say?" he asks.

"What I'm tryna say is....... We still together but not all the way. Call me a damn fool all you want too but you my first love! You taught me how to love. I just..." Tears begin to fill my eyes." I just hate how I can never find the guts to leave you after you've hurt me over an over an over again. I fucking hate you but then again I start back to love you. We're grown Kjay an we need to start acting like it . We're not little kids anymore. But we can't keep growing with you acting like this" I say. His eyes was starting to tear up too.

"You deserve better" he says.

"Well show me!" I say.

"I can't show you" he says as tears was falling down his face.

"If you try... Just try" I say.

"Every time I try shit go off... Im sorry Diamond... But I don't deserve you. You deserve the finer things in life an thats not me. Im holding you nack from alot of stuff " he says. "I'll be so stupid to stay with you an keep hurting you. But I know you're always be my biggest fan" he says.

"I'll be your only fan" I say to him. "Only fan that will always care an love for you" I say

"An Ima always appreciate that. But as of now. We need to go our separate ways. You find better in life an hopefully I find someone who do me like I do you" He says. I begin to cry. He hugs me. "Don't cry Diamond. Ima always be here. Member that promise we made?"

"Which one?"

"The one when we said if we ever break up that we will be bestfriends forever an fuck buddies" he says making me laugh.

"Yeah I remeber" I say.

"Well we gone stick to that promise"

"We also made another promise to never leave each other" I say. It was quite for a while.

"That promise will live on .... just not now." he says.

"Kjay Ima always be here"

"Ima always be here too" he says while kissing my forehead. He stayed the night with me an the kids. An of course I cried the entire night. Loosing your first love wasn't easy. Everything that you guys had been thru. Just thinking about him with someone else. It wasn't nothing to joke about. But maybe he was right.. I do deserve better.... Better with him.....

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S/O To BabyySlimm

Check out her books. They good asfff <3

Thats bae :*

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