Chapter 28

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Kjay was off to practice. I was headed home from picking the girls up from school. LaNiya said she wanted to stop by an talk to me about something important. I was anxious to know.

"Take off your school clothes an do your homework girls"

"Mommy" Justice says.

"Yes baby girl"

"How was your day?"

"It was good. How was yours?"

"You already asked me mommy while we was in the car" She says. God she looked like her father. Scared me sometimes. Just hope she doesn't grow up to be like him.

"You my baby girl" I say kissing her on the forehead.

"An you're the best mommy in the world" she says. I wanted to cry. But I couldn't. I wish that incident had never happened to my baby girl. But she was taking it pretty good. An her Therapist Ms.Murray (AKA MY BIG SISTER MYESHA! Follow Her On INSTAGRAM: Myesha_x3) is doing a very good job with her.

"Love you mommy" she says an walks off. Seconds later there was a knock on the door. I'm guessing it was LaNiya.

"Wassup girly?" She says while Hugging me.

"Nothing. Whats up with you?" I ask her.

"I found out whose's the father of Gabriella and Sydney" she blurts out.

"Oh gawd. Who?" I Ask.

"Gabriella father is..... Keon''

"The fuck? How you know?"

"DNA TEST! I didn't know you can do that while they are in prison" she says.

"But... What? Im so confused. Anyways. Whose Sydney?"


"I fucking knew it!'' I say.

"We gotta tell her" I say.

"Noo! Let's just let them grow up first" she says.

"Then when they become teenagers they put the shit together them selves" I say.

"Its gonna come to a point when thats gonna happen" she says.

"I swear Gabriella looks like Jaheem"

"But he's not the father"

"This is too much in one day" I say. My stomach starts to turn. I run to the bathroom.  Damn it now LaNiya is about to find out about me being pregnant.

"Hmphhhh. Someones expecting" she says with a smirk on her face.

"Tell someone and I will kill you" I say.

"But... By Kjay?"

"Duhh" I say while getting my toothbrush.

"I'm just saying! Last time I checked ya'll was broken up! It ain't like yall tell me shit" she says.

"Bitch when the last time you been on instagram?"

"Long ass time"

"Well thats why. Everyone knows but you" I say. She pulls out her phone. 

"Omg... Awwww'' she says showing me the picture of me and Kjay that I had uploaded when we got back together. We had got over 500 likes an comments. Everyone was happy that we was back together.

"TUH DUHH!" I say.

"You pregnant with a girl" she says.

"Why you say that?"

"Cause you acting like how you was acting when you was pregnant with Justice"

"Oh" I say.

"Anyways. Kjay invited everyone to his NBA Draft" she says.

"Yeah I know. I'm his date" I say with a grin.

"TUH DUH!" She says making me laugh.

"I can't wait. My brother finna be playing for the LA LAKERSSS!" She says.

"I know. My baby" I say smiling.

"$44 Million sis" she says.

"I don't even know what to do with the million he making a month" I say.

"Y'all finna be blessed" she says.

"We are blessed but thanks" I say smiling at her.

~Later That Day~

"Hey baby you scared me. I didn't know you were home" I say coming downstairs. Kjay was in the kitchen drinking a glass of water. He had a worried look on his face.

"Bae whats wrong?" I ask wrapping my arms around his waist.

"My mother had a stroke" he says. Me and Kjay mother never got along. Ever since I went to Kjay house when we was younger an his mother came home an disrespected me I had to let her go. She was cut off. She came at me wrong for no reason. When I was pregnant with Justice she told Kjay to leave me because I wanted to trap him up with a child that wasn't even his. I didn't even want my kids around her because I felt like she would harm them.

"Oh my god. Is she okay? How is she doing?" I ask him. Even though I ain't like her still had care for her cause she was my boyfriend mother.

"She's okay. Look Diamond. Ima need for her to meet the kids" he says. " I know y'all don't like each other but bae it comes a time in life when you gotta leave the past in the past. You never know when its your time to go. " he says.

"Bae I understand where you're coming from but I just...." he cuts me off.

"You can even meet my father too" he says.

"What?" I was shocked. Kjay never spoke about his father. When Kjay and Chantel was about 4 their father got up an left them. Ever since then he never spoke about him. I honestly thought he hated him.

"Who you think been helping me with basketball?' he asks.

"The trainer you fucked" I say under my breath.

"DIAMOND!" He says. "The past is the past bae''

"Okay but still,... But um your dad been helping you?" I ask.

"Yes. I never said anything because I didn't know how you would react"

"How I would react? Boy this is your father. Don't worry about how Ima react. I'm glad y'all are stable" I say smiling.

"Thanks" he says kissing my lips. "He wants to come over tonight for dinner"

"This house is a mess!" I say.

"Bae chill. I'll clean up. You just gotta worry about cooking. I also invited him to the draft"

"What does he like to eat? I gotta taste for some black eyes peas." I say.

"Well do your thang baby. My world revolves around you an I know you will not dissappoint me tonight" he says.

"I will never dissappoint you. You my baby man an I'm glad you're in my life." I say.

"Get out yo damn feelings" he says making me laugh.

"Shut up man. What would you like for dessert?" I ask.

"That strawberry pussy" he says.

"Kjay!" I say laughing.

"Im just playing. But some peach cobbler. Yo shit be the bomb bae"

"I gotcha" I say making a list of everything that I needed. I was kinda nervous. This would be my first time ever meeting my boyfriend father. Im guessing next was meeting his side of the family. I wouldn't mind because this was my baby. I would do anything for him..... Welll you get what Im saying.

- Kinda boring chapter.. Yeah I know. Im frustrated right now. This book will be done by the middle of the week. Maybe before then. Soon as it is Done Im publishing the one about Justice <3

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