Chapter 27

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Me and Kjay was on our way to the hospital. We had dropped the kids off at Jaheem house. He had nothing better to do anyway. When we got to the hospital My dad, Joshua, Chantel , Tyrone and Lily was there.

"How is she doing?" I ask.

"She's on life support" Tyrone says.

"Damn" Kjay says.

"What happened?" I ask.

"She had cut in front of an Semi- Truck sounds like it flipped over here" My father says.

"Wheres Robert? Where's Crystal?"

"Robert is in the room with Crystal" Dad says.

"Why he got Crystal in the room with him when something like this is going on?" I ask.

"Diamond calm down" Joshua says.

"Thats stupid if you ask me.. But I wanna see her"

Kjay had went to Kim room with me, She was hooked up to so many I.V Cords. I can just tell God was about to take her any minute. 

"Its gone be okay" Kjay says while I was looking at her. I had started crying.

"We never got a chance to apologize to each other" I say sobbing. "This is my blood sister that hated me so much. Now look. She's about to get taken away"

"Bae stop crying. Things happen for a reason. Maybe this is God saying never run away from your problems cause they will never get fixed. An now look baby " he says. He was right. I should have been the bigger person in this situation. Months had went by an me an Kim didn't even speak to each other. I was so busy worrying about my relationship an not about my family. Now look.

"Bae say your goodbyes an let's get out of here before I start crying" Kjay says blinking his eyes. I went over an gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you" I say holding her hand. Memories flashed back with me and her. Memories filled with laughter, joy, an fun. This was my sister. What she did was wrong but I can never be cold hearted an not care.

~Month Later~

Kim had been taken off of her life support a couple weeks ago. She was on it for a long time we all had faith but it dissappeared. Another death in my family was not needed. It was hard on baby Crystal. But her big sister LaNiya an her father was also there for her. I was to even tho Kim brain washed her head about me. Stupid bitch...... Awh damn I'm going to hell.

"He doesn't like me" Kjay says giving Junior to me. He was crying.

"What did you do to my baby?" I ask him. He had stopped crying when I got him.

"He wanna suck on that tittie. Making his daddy jealous an shit" He says making me laugh.

"He's 5 months now. No more nipple for him" I say kissing Junior cheeks.

"So more for me?" Kjay asks laughing. Before I could even respond to that I had to put Junior down an rush to the bathroom. I was throwing up.

"Hmmm.... Another one of my seeds?" Kjay asked.

"No just don't feel good" I say lying. I know my ass was pregnant again. I had been throwing up every morning and craving for food. Lots and lots of food. I was just ashamed. Junior was only 5 months going on 6 an I was not ready for another baby. That would be the talk of my family. 

"Why you lying?" He asks. My begin to blink my eyes.

"Now you finna cry which makes me know you're pregnant" he says bending down to kiss me.

"Im pregnant by you.." he cuts me off.

"You better be pregnant by me girl. What the fuck.... Im just playing babe keep talking" he says making me laugh.

"Im pregnant by you an we're not even together. This is embarrasing" I say.

"To you it is.. To me its not. Lets me know I'm about to get my wifey back. Its been about 4 damn months. You deserve better and I have become a better man you know how? I swear on everything that I haven't had sex with anyone else but you these last 4 months while we wasn't together." he says, I look at him.

"Whatever Kjay" I say.

"What?" he asks.

"No need to lie. If you want me to abort this baby I'm not. We both was careless that day in the shower an now we gotta suffer" I say.

"The fuck is you talking about Diamond? I WANNA GET BACK WITH YOU! I'm ready for us to become a family again" he says sincerely.

" I'm so serious baby. I'm ready for us to get back together. This baby is what we need to help us thru this relationship an pull thru"

"So you want me back?"

"YES!" He says kissing my neck. I punch him. 

''This is how I got pregnant in the first place" I say making him laugh.

"I still got that damn hickey you gave me too" he says pointing at his neck. It was purple an red.

"Damn" I say laughing.

"You back my wifey or what?" I ask.

"Only one thing" I say.

"Oh gawd what?"

"You gotta be a good driver for me to be your passengerrrrrr" 

"Man Girl I swear I love you. Come here" he says grabbing me into a hug. "Guess what?"


"You're my date to my NBA Draft" 

"I already knew that" I say laughing.

"Oh well I bet you ain't know it was next weekend!"

"BAE! OMG ! My hair. What Am I gonna wear! Babe whyyy!"

"Don't worry. I got everything under control. Just make sure you be ready Friday night"

"Yea yea"

"Love You Diamond"

"I Love you too Kjay"

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