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August 23rd. The day of Clarissa Fairchild's birth, was about to take an unexpected turn.

The impecibly short firey redhead struted down roads of Idris coming from a meeting with the councel, a happy smile gracing her pink lips.

"Look Mommy! It's the girl that saved us!" A little chestnut haired girl shrieked. The girl ran from her mother to fast for her mother to catch her, and stood in front of Clary with a wide smile.

"Hello there. I'm Clary." Clary Fairchild bent down with a friendly smile to the small child's height.

"I know! I'm Valarie!" She marveled.

Clary gave a small chuckle "Well Valarie, it was nice meeting you but I have to get home."

"Where's that?"

"New York."

"Why would you want to go there?"

"Because I love New York and that's where my family is so I have to go back."

Valarie gave a pout and stomped her foot "No! Why?! I've only just met you and now you're​ leaving!"

"How about this? I come and visit you and you'll have me all to yourself, but you have to let me go home if you want me to come back." Clary negotiated.

"Deal!" Valarie stuck out her small hand. Taking it in her own, Clary gave it a firm shake.

Standing, Clary stood straight and gave Valarie a stiff soilder like salute. The small child copied her actions before wrapping her tiny arms around Clary's leg.

"Bye Val!" Clary spoke before disappearing behind one of the buildings.

Slipping her stele from her boot, she swiftly drew a portal rune on the bare wall. The symbol burned a bright orange before the familiar violet swirls of the portal appeared before her.

"New York." Clarissa whispered over and over while she walked into the portal. Clary felt as if she were being lifted into the air for a short while before her feet landed on the familar porch of the New York Institute.

"Yes! I didn't fall on my ass this time!" Clary celebrated happily. Suddenly, she bent over and wretched her guts out into one of the rose bushes.

After wiping her mouth, Clary strutted into the institute making a beeline towards Clary and Jace's shared room. The redhead girl stopped abruptly when she passed the kitchen, taking​ a few steps back she looked at the horror of the mess Izzy's cooking.

"Clary!" Izzy shrieked "I'm going to make your birthday dinner!"

Clary's eyes widened in horror "No! By the Angel! No! Please! No!"

"What's ​happening in here?" Magnus questioned. Clary looked at Magnus who was holding the hand of his boyfriend, Alec Lightwood, with horror stricken face.

"Izzy's trying to make my birthday dinner!" The redhead exclaimed.

"No! Please! Fuck! No!" The couple exclaimed, fear written on their faces.

"You guys are eating this damn food and you are going to like i-" Izzy started but was swiftly cut off by Magnus whipping his head in her direction, causing colorful glitter to go flying from his body, with the most stonic face ever.

"I am the fucking High Warlock of Brooklyn!" Magnus spoke sternly, his cat eyes flashing.

"And I am fucking the High Warlock of Brooklyn." Alec interrupted. Clary looked at him, trying and failing to raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"And we say no!" Magnus finished.

Izzy gave a pout and tried to reason again "But I-"

"No!" The other three spoke, before stomping out of the kitchen.

Magnus and Alec went the opposite way,while Clary made her way to her and Jace's room.

Latching on to the doorknob she twisted and it silently opened to reveal the most horrid scene Clary ever witnessed.

There, on Jace and Clary's shared bed was Jace thrusting into a yellow haired woman. The two on the bed didn't notice the tear faced girl watching them in the doorway.

Who she thought was the love of her life grunt's filled the room mixing with the blondes loud moans, making the most heartbreaking sounds fill Clary's ears.

Having seen enough, Clary silently closed the door and made the way to her old room in the institute.

Opening the door, the flame haired girl's emerald eyes scanned the plain room. After she had moved into Jace's room, Clary had made this her quiet room.

The Fairchild picked up a pen and paper and sat at her desk. The tip of the pen met the papers surface and soon enough Clary was pouring her heart out into five letters.

The first for her best friend, Izzy.

The second for the closest thing to a big brother, Alec.

The third was for her favorite glitterfied warlock, Magnus.

The fourth was for her parents, Jocelyn and Luke.

The last one was for her best friend since diapers, Simon.

They all contained every explanation they would need. The five letters were quickly enveloped and stacked into a neat pile, as Clary grabbed an index card for another person she so desperately loved.

She scribbled seven words on the blank index card and lifted it her lips. Kissing it softly she left a pink color the shape of her lips on the card.

Grabbing her purfume from the desk she sprayed the card and slipped it into a small envelope and wrote who it was for on the front.

Getting up from the chair she walked towards the pale blue wall and stared at it intensely.

Clary's small hand shook as she pressed her stele to the wall and drew her portal rune. The insitute shook at the opening of the purple swirls, making it known that someone was leaving through a portal.

Clary needed somewhere where the others would never think to look for her. That has a fairly nice population, nice weather, where she could be a whole other person.

New Orleans. Clary thought. The door to the bedroom slammed open to reveal a shocked Alec, Isabelle, and Magnus.

Clary turned her head towards them and put her finger to her lips and pointed to the letters on the desk. A tear slipped down her face as she continued to look at her closest friends.

Upon hearing the incoming footsteps of the last person Clary wanted to see, she turned back to the portal and stepped through and just like that..

She was gone.

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