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||3rd Person Point of View...||

Fighting was not just an intense game of fist and uncontrollable emotions as many would think, but a careful choreographed dance that would leave your partner able to predict your next move or utterly clueless. In that dance, it is important to stay focused because with one wrong misstep it could the end of that dance for eternity. So, I'm that dance you can not spin or step with emotion, but with strategy and focus.

It was safe to say that when Clarissa Fairchild lunged at her brother, she was definitely dancing with emotion instead of strategy, and that emotion was anger. Anger directed solely towards the demonic boy who took her son. Each of her swings were angry and hateful as her blade made a clang against Sebastian's.

Around them, were Clarissa's friends and Jace that soon joined the fight against Sebastian and his minions that Clary had not noticed in the room before. The Fairchild hears another crash of glass breaking but was to bust fighting her off Sebastian to look around to see what was happening.

"Wow, little sister. I have to admit your fighting skills have improved magnificently!" Sebastian exclaimed "But they're not as magnificent as mine"

The next thing Clary knew she was on the ground from Sebastian swinging his leg out underneath her, Clary's blade dropping from her hand and turning back into its dagger on the floor. Then he was on top of her straddling her small waist.

"Where is it, Clarissa?!" He demanded venomously.

"Why did you take my son?" She psat back with equal venom in her tone.

"Nuh-uh, I asked first!"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Clary feigned innocence, as she watched Isabelle behind him getting ready to fling her whip to the evil pile of shit currently on top of her.

Too quickly for him to register, Izzy's whip wrapped around his neck pulling him backwards off of her. Acting quickly, she reached over to pick up her dagger and knelt over the Morgenstern.

Then she quietly leaned down to his ear so no one would hear "Now why in hell would I give you what you want when you took my son?"

Then in quick motions she swung her dagger up and it resumed it's position of her seperah blade. But as soon as she was about to swing the blade down and rid him of being in her home he was up on his feet.

"Give me what I want, Clarissa or there will be grave consequences!" and twisting the Morgenstern ring on his finger he was gone just like that.

"NO!" She yelled out in frustration.

Looking around, she saw demon ash on the floor of her bedroom indicating that the crash were demons that crashed into her room and were killed by Jace and her friends.

"Clary, what on earth was he talking about?" Jace questioned.

Clary didn't answer, just standing there in silent anger that she let him get away.

"I need to go see Will." She said in half truth half excuse to get away from this conversation.

But Clarissa knew that it wasn't over.

The Fairchild knew she had a lot of explaining to do.

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Y'all bitches love me and my updates!!

But you also hate me for cliffhangers, by what can I say I've got a problem!

Drink as many as you school up because their short, vague, and dramatized!!

I just love hearing yours guys conspiracy theories!!


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