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||3rd Person Point of View...||

Everyone who knows about the shadow world knows the story of the evil man, Sebastian Morgenstern.

He was the demonic brother of the creator, Clarissa Fairchild that tried to take over the world with her by his side. He killed killed and destroyed many lives. It was safe to say that Sebastian was hated by almost everybody, and he knew that.

So he was not surprised when his little sister stared at him silently with boiling anger and shock.

"Well, it's awfully quiet in here I was really expecting a warm welcome full of hugs, cup-"

"Cut the crap, Jonathan and tell us what the hell you want from us." Gabrielle spat.

Something flash behind Sebastian's eyes that went away to quickly for any o them to register what it was, but the best thing they knew he was in front of Giselle in a matter of seconds with his blade to her throat.

"Watch you tongue, little one." He hissed

"STOP!" familiar voices boomed from behind them. All their heads snap so fast in that direction it was surprising that their necks didn't snap.

When the shadowhunters look they are met with the last people I expect, but we're so very glad to see.

Magnus Bane

Alec Lightwood

And Isabelle Lightwood.

The three walk in with a stride of confidence, Magnus with a spark of blue in his hand, Izzy with her whip ready, and Alec with his bow aimed at Clary's "brother".

"Missed me?" Izzy hissed, a strong glare of hatred set in her usual soft brown eyes.

"I did actually. I always did have a thing for girls with sharp tongues." said Sebastian, his black eyes sliding over to Clary with a vile smirk painted across his lips.

Clary immediately takes action as she lifts her son in her arms"Gabby, Cam, I need you to take Will to his room and keep him there until I say otherwise, got it?"

They nod in understanding and Gabby cautiously walks slowly over to the Fairchild, taking her son form her arms. As soon as Will is out of Clary's arms, she takes her dagger out from boot while Gabby and Cameron hesitantly walk out of the room and run down the hall. It took everything Clary had not to look at them because she knew once she did she would abandon everything here for her son and run again to keep him safe.

Once she was sure her son was out of the room and safe she swings her arm down, willing her dagger to extended into her regular seraph blade.

"Ooo, How fancy." Sebastian mocked.

With those last words lingering in the air, the two siblings lunged at each other.

▬▬▬ ▬▬▬

I'm honestly so proud of myself! I'm in such a good mood so I've been updating a lot and I'm just so sjdhhsehusjsb!! You know what I mean?


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