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||3rd Person Point of View...||
||Five Years and one month Ago...||

"Gabrielle Firehallow and Andrew Crossthorn invite you to their wedding on June twenty-second. By the angel, can you believe it? We're getting married!" Gabby said excitedly from her wedding invitation.

She currently sat on top of the long table covered with the remainder of wedding planning, her finacé next to her and their family sitting around them. They were in the Firehallow manor in Idris.

"I can believe it, my love." Andrew smiled, kissing the back Gabby's hand before resting it on his shoulder.

"You two are a such cute couple." Elaine Firehallow, Gabby's mother, spoke with a smile on her aging face. The woman had blonde-almost white-hair similar to Gabby's in a tight bun upon her head.

Gabby smiled at her mother happily "We are aren't we?"

"Of course we are." Andrew smirked smugly.

Suddenly, loud and repetitive knocks rung throughout the room from the door, muffled shouts coming from the other side.

"Oh dear, who's knocking so savagely." Elaine questioned, concerned.

"I'll get it." Gabby said, quickly getting up. She opened the door to a face she hadn't seen in almost three years.

"Where is he?!" they demanded.

"Adelaide?" Gabby questioned, shocked.

Her sister pushed past her into the room, making a beeline towards her fiancé "You bastard! You lied to me!"

"Addy, now is not the time." Andrew spoke nervously, standing from his chair.

"Andrew, what's happening?" Gabby questioned, looking confused as she stared at her little sister, more specifically, her small baby bump.

"Nothing. Adelaide was just leaving." Andrew said sternly.

"No! I'm not. I'm not going anywhere until everyone knows the truth about us?"

"All right! Andrew what the hell is she talking about?" Gabby demanded, the entire room tense.

"Oh! You want to know what I'm talking about ? I'm talking about the fact that your fiancé and I have been fucking for the past 5 months. I'm talking about the fact that I'm now pregnant with his child! I'm talking about the fact that he told me he loved me and was going to leave you for me and we'd raise the perfect family with our perfect baby!"

"What?! You're lying! Shut up, Addy!" Gabby shouted.

"I'm not. Ask him."

Gabby looked towards her fiancé who looked at her guiltily "Gabby..."

Gabby choked out a sob before running out of the room to her own bedroom. Andrew chased after her but wasn't enough because Gabby closed and locked the door behind her before he arrived.

"Gabrielle! Gabby! Please! Open the door!" He pleaded, banging his hand on the door.

"Leave me alone you bastard!" Gabby yelled before falling on her bed and sobbing.

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