s e v e n t e e n

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||First Person Point of View...||

I stared blankly at all the people dancing around in the parade in my deceased friends honor, the smallest of smiles on my face.

"Are you alright?" Simon asked.

I turn my head to him and give him a smile "I'm fine. Thank you, Simon."

It was lie. I wasn't fine. How could I possibly be fine? How could I possibly be fine when the one person who stood by me for so long was dead and I had no way of bringing them back.

I had no magical wish from an angel above a lake this time. And that hurt. I had been holding it in for the longest time possible. The sadness, the pain, the heartbreak. Making everything perfect just to stand here today and stare at the lifeless body of my best friend.

Let us begin the ceremony. Brother Enoch's voice echoed in everyone's minds. Everyone that had been close to Gabby had gathered in Idris for her ceremony, fee showing for the parade in her honor.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward with Cameron to stand next to her lifeless body, wrapped carefully in white silk.

"Stop! Stop the ceremony! Get down from alter, you wretched girl!" An woman demanded, bursting through the door with several others behind her.

I stare at her for a minute, wondering why she and the others looked so familiar. The blonde, almost white hair, the icy blue eyes. Then it clicked, making my anger boil "The Firehallows, I presume."

She stopped and smirked "So you've heard of us. I guess our reputation proceeds us."

"No, it doesn't." Clary scoffed, making the women's face fall "Gabrielle told me all about her wicked family. I wouldn't know that you existed if I hadn't met her."

"Well aren't you rude." The older woman spat.

"I get to be rude to the wicked. Now if you don't mind I have to continue Gabrielle's ceremony." Clary spoke godly, turning away from her.

"No, you will not. Just because you scare us from your evil brother and father does not mean you can order us around. Now, we are Gabby's blood family and we will send her off."

Clary was hit with a sudden anger as she turned around, rushing into the women's face "Let's get one thing straight. You are not her family, blood or not. You weren't her family when you forced her into a marriage she didn't want, even if She fell in love with him. You weren't her family when that bastard, Andrew, cheated on her with her sister, getting her pregnant in the process. You weren't her family when you told she still had to marry him despite everything he had done to her. You have no idea how she felt her entire life! She felt unloved! She felt like an object to you that you were just going to hand off to keep your precious bloodline strong! You weren't there every night for five years straight to let her cry on your shoulder! She felt like she couldn't share anything with you because you didn't care." Clary stared deep into her eyes, lowering her voice so only the woman could hear "And your precious bloodline didn't give you an excuse to be a bad mother."

"How dare you?!" Elaine yelled, tears in her eyes as she raised her hand to slap Clary.

The Fairchild caught it before she could hit her in a tight grip "The only reason that you're mad is because you know it's true." Clary let go of her hand to look the rest of the Firehallow's in their faces "You neglected and took advantage of the most wonderful girl. You are welcome to stay to for the ceremony, but you won't be the one sending her off. You don't deserve it."

Sobs ripped its way through the air from a young woman's throat. Clary looked at her, then the girl in her arms that couldn't much older than her own son "You must be Adelaide."

"Yes. I am." She sniffed, letting the small girl down form her hold.

Clary took Adelaide in her arms in a hug, silent tears running down her face as she whispered in her ear "In the five years I've known Gabby she talked about her little sister with such love. Even after everything, she still loved you. She forgave you, Adelaide. You're forgiven."

Clary pulled away and smiled up at the tall girl who's sobs were now louder before walking back to the alter with a stoney faced Cameron.

Today we honor our fellow nephilim. Gabrielle Firehallow, said Brother Enoch.

"Lovedale." Clary corrected.

Gabrielle has fought her greatest battle and now her time has come to join our Angel Raziel, Enoch continued.

Clary reached out and grabbed Cameron's hand as they both watched Brother Enoch lower his torch and burn the lifeless body of the person they love so dearly.

"Ave Atque Vale."

Sorry this took so long. I didn't know how to end or start this. But I'm like highkey crying right now and I'm an emotional mess.

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