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||3rd Person Point of View....||

It had been exactly 3 weeks since Clarissa Fairchild and Jace Herondale shared their magical kiss, and it had been complete and utter bliss.

The two acted as if they were carefree teenagers again and not full grown adults with responsibilities, as they stole blissful kisses around in halls, whispered sweet nothings each other's ears, stole glances when no one was watching, and went out on dates late at night. All in secret.

Of course, their secret romances aren't the only eventful things that happen in those weeks. They had told William that Jace was his father, Will had actually found out on his own, he was a smart boy after all. Jace has explained himself to his family about why he had "cheated". They also looked for Sebastian and created wards around Clary and Will's house for protection. It seemed as if everything was perfect.

Too perfect.

"Hey, Clary do you know where Gabrielle is she was supposed to be here hours ago." Cameron asked.

"No, I haven't heard from her in awhile. I'm sure she's just late. You know her." Clary assures.

"Your probably right." Cameron says, the two then walk into the lounge room and take a seat with Clarissa's family, except Jace.

"I don't know how you raised such a great kid, Clary!" Simon complimented, smiling as he watched William play with Max and Raphael Lightwood-Bane.

"Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing." Clary confessed.

"You must have some idea if he turned out that great." Isabelle said.

"Thanks, that means a lot."

"On the topic of things meaning a lot, Izzy has two very important questions for you." Simon spoke nervously.

Clary looked confused as she looked at Alec who just smiled "Go on."

Isabelle smiled and took Clary's hand excitedly "Well first, I'd like your blessing to marry Simon..."

Clary stares in shock at Izzy for a second as she took in the sentence she just spoke, that soon turned into an entire minute of silence.

"Clary?" She asked nervously, which was rare for Isabelle.

Clary finally reacted with a squeal "By the angel! You're married?! To Simon?!"

"Yes, with your permission."

Clary through her arms up and shouted "Well, you have it! By the angel, my best friends are getting married!"

"The second thing is, I want you to be my maid of honor."

Clary awed as her goofy happy grin made its way in her face "Of course!"

The couple smiled at each other before hugging Clary "Thank you so much!"

Clary pulled away and fanned at her tears "Ugh, I'm so emotional!"

"Mommy, why are you crying?!" William asked, concerned for his mom.

Clary picked him up and placed him on her hip "Don't worry, Mr. Sweetface, they're happy tears. Uncle Simon and Aunt Izzy are getting married!"

"Will there be cake?!" He asked happily. Everyone laughed Will's words.

"There'll be plenty of cake for you, my young Jedi!" Simon exclaimed.

Jace then walked in the room causing Will to scramble from his mothers arms to his father "Daddy! Daddy! Aunt Izzy and Uncle Simon are getting married!"

Jace smiled at his son and picked him up "Oh, really?! Will there be cake?!"

Clary laughed at her son and her secret whatever he was. They had never really talked labels.

"Yep! And there will be a lot of it!"

"Good, go play with Max and Raphael. I need to talk to your mom and aunt and uncles."

"Alright!" He said, then ran off to his cousins.

The blissful mood suddenly turned serious when they all saw Jace's tense face.

"What happened?" Alec asked, taking god of his husbands hand.

"It'd be better if I showed you."

Tense and nervous, they followed after him into the study where a big black box laid in the desk.

"They left a note for you, Clary." Jace spoke somberly, handing her the small black envelope.

She bit her lip nervously as she opened the envelope and read it out loud "I'm coming. Give me what I want and nobody else will get hurt. Sebastian."

Clary swallowed and looked at the box in slight fear, sitting on the floor in form of it. Slowly, she took off the top and peered inside. Then she scream horrified and scrambled away from the box accidentally kicking it on its side in the process.

As it fell on its side, the bloody head of Gabrielle Lovedale rolled out.....

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