e i g h t e e n

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||3rd Person Point of View...||
||Continued after previous special||

Sunlight streamed through Clary's cream colored curtains, shining on her closed eyelids. After a moment, her emerald eyes fluttered open to stare at her burnt orange walls. A peaceful smile slowly formed on her face, only growing wider when she acknowledged the strong arm wrapped tightly around her waist. The dream she just had being long forgotten.

"Good morning, red." Jace whispered huskily in her ear.

Clary turned to face him, laughing "It's been awhile since I've heard that nickname."

"It has." Jace smiled.

"Remember when I couldn't stand you when we had first met."

"How could I forget? You were so stubborn! You still are!"

Clary laughed and hit his bare chest "I am not. You're stubborn."

"We both are."

They both held goofy smiles on their faces as they stared into each other's eyes. In the moment they were both happy, almost forgetting about their sadness form what happened only three weeks ago.

"Momma! Daddy!" William yelled, barging into the bedroom and jumping between the two.

"Good morning, my love." Clary smiled, rapidly placing kisses all over her sons face.

"I want french toast!"

"Is that how you ask?" Jace asked, raising an eyebrow. Clary stared at him in jealousy. She was in her early twenties with a child and still didn't know how to raise an eyebrow.

William paused for a minute to think of the proper way to ask "May I have some french toast, please?"

"Yes, you may. Come on." Clary picked William up and walked him down to the kitchen, leaving Jace behind in the bed.

The Fairchild sat William in a seat while she started to make his french toast. In the middle of flipping her sons food, she looked up and stared at a door that hadn't been opened in weeks.

Gabby's bedroom.

It pained her to even think about Gabby, guilt savagely eating at her for not being able to help her. Clary hadn't been in that room since her funeral, she often pretended it wasn't there so she wouldn't break down crying. Even when Cameron came over to tutor William, he avoided the room like the plague.

"What's on your mind?" Jace spoke, snaking his arms around Clary's small waist as he kissed her temple.

"Gabby." She answered sadly, finally finishing Will's toast and setting it on a plate.

Jace looked at her understandingly as he set Will's food in front of him. Clary then walked out of the room up the stairs, leaving Jace to look after Will.

Later, when Cameron came around, Jace came up to their room.

"Clary?" He called out.

Clary hummed. She sat on their bed, looking blankly out of the window, flipping an index card quickly between her index and middle finger. Jace walked over to her, sitting behind her and wrapped his arms over her petite body. Jace tried to read the card but the former redhead was flipping it to quickly.

"How about we go out tonight? Just the two of us."

Clary sighed, breaking herself from the trance like state she was in "I don't know, Jace."

"Come on. You seem like you really need it." Jace said, trailing his fingertips up her bare arms to her neck, parting her silver hair from her neck, causing delicious shivers to run down her spine.

"Alright," she gave in "Where would we go?"

"It's a surprise."

Clary sighed, leaning into his chest "Okay, I'll go out. But there's something I need to do first."

||Later that night...||

Jace was attempting to teach Will how to speak french while he waited for Clary to come down for their date. Alec, Magnus, Izzy, and Simon were to watch him until they came back. Alec and Magnus had went out for awhile, but promised to return before they had left. Simon was raising the fridge, and Izzy was upstairs with Clary.

"We're back, and with guests." Magnus called dramatically, walking into the house, his husband and children trailing behind happily.

"Come here, Will." Jace said, walking him over to Max and Raphael "These are your cousins."

William smiled brightly "Hi, I'm Will!"

"Hello, I'm Raphael." The young nephilim greeted, quietly but politely.

"And I am the Magnificent Max Lightwood-Bane, child of the Magnificent Magnus Bane." The Young warlock declared dramatically.

Jace looked at a proud Magnus and an annoyed Alec "I taught him to say that as soon as he learned it talk."

"I have an Uncle named Max, I've never met him but mommy talks about him all the time." William smiled, unaware of the sadness he struck in his fathers and his uncles hearts.

The children quickly went off to play while the adults talked.

"Woah!" Willam exclaimed, stopping his playtime to look behind Jace in awe.

Jace turned around to see the lost shocking but welcomed sight ever.

His Clary...

Although she wore something simple, she still looked beautiful as Jace hungrily drank in her appearance. Her black heeled ankle boots, pant splattered jeans, plain gray shirt, burgundy cardigan, all the way to her now fiery red curls.

"Your old hair is back!" Will exclaimed, jumping into his mothers arms.

"I'd never thought I would be happy to see those unruly curls again." Magnus admitted.

"Neither did I. But I'm happy that glamor is finally off." said Clary, walking towards a speechless Jace.

"You look absolutely beautiful." He whispered, adoration in his eyes.

Clary's face became hot, her cheeks almost as red as her hair "Thank you."

"Alright, lovebirds, time for you to go."

The Herondale intertwines his hands with the Fairchild as they made their way out of the door. The two made their way din the street on New Orleans, but not without another comment from Clarissa.

"This date better be epic. They just put Shrek on Netflix."

"What the hell is a Shrek?!"

"I'm disowning you."

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