t h i r t e e n

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||3rd Person Point of View...||

Time had passed since Jace left Clary on the roof that day. That time started as seconds, that's tuned into minutes, then hours, days, then weeks.

It had been exactly 2 and a half weeks since Clary and Jace has seen or spoken to each other. But neither were very far from each other's thoughts.

After their heated argument, their nights after went very differently.

Clary has sat their and sobbed for exactly 39 minutes, then spent the remainder sitting on the roof in silence for an hour. Then spent the rest of the night drawing and taking care of her son.

Jace on the other hand....

He stomped down the hallway in anger until he arrived in the living room where his family sat peacefully "YOU KNEW!?"

They all looked up startled by his outburst that disrupted their peace.

"Knew what, Jace?" Alec asked confused.

"About my son. Your husband and sister knew that I had a son!" He roared.

"Whoa, whoa, wait a damn minute! What the hell are you talking about?!" Izzy demanded, standing from her chair.

"Clary just told me that you two knew!"

"Jace, none of us knew you had a child until today!" Magnus exclaimed.

"Then why would Clary say that then?!" Jace shouted, anger coming off him in waves.

"I don't know! Maybe you should ask her." Isabelle shouted back.

"No! I can't even look at her! I promise to Raziel that I'll never talk to that woman again!" He spat.

He did keep that promise and swore he'd never break it, and he didn't.

Until now.

Clary sat on the floor of William's bedroom with William, drawing with him happily until the doorbell rung.

"Come on, Mr. Sweetface. Let's see who's at the door." She spoke cheerfully. A happy smile on her face, she picked her son up and headed towards the door.

The doorbell suddenly turned into inpatient knocking on the door, annoying Clary "Coming! Hold on!"

Clary quickly opened the door to see the man that had been plaguing her thoughts for the past two and a half weeks "Jace. What are you doing here?"

Jace stared at William for moment longingly, before turning towards Clary coldly "I need answers."

Clary nodded, setting down her son "Hey, Mr. Sweetface, why don't you go play? Mommy has to talk to her friend."

"Can I play with the piano?!" He asked excitedly, jumping up and down.

Clary bent down and smiled, before she kissed his face "Yeah, but be careful. The sheets are in the drawer."

Will hugged his mother before running off somewhere in the house. Clary stared after him before standing turning towards Jace "Why don't you come in? I'll make some tea."

Jace nodded, they silently walked through Clarissa's house to the kitchen where she put tea kettle on the stove. They then sat at the table to talk while they waited.

"Izzy and Magnus said that they didn't know anything about me having a son." Jace said.

"I told you it wasn't like that. It's complicated. I said they knew, as in not anymore."

"What? How? They just can't wake up and forget about their nephew one day." Jace whisper shouted, not wanting William to hear.

Clary opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the high-pitched scream of her tea kettle. She sighed and got up to make their tea.

"Sebastian." She said simply, as she sat back down and handed Jace his tea "He wiped their memories after he took Will away."

Clary sipped her tea as Jace just watched her, taking in all the information he had just given her. A smile of satisfaction made its way on her face as she heard the sound of her piano being played.

"He can play?" Jace asked.

"Yes, Cameron has been teaching him."

A surge of jealousy shot through Jace when he imagined another man teaching his son anything "I want to know more about him."

Clary smiled "I'd be glad to."

And yet again timed passed as the two talked. That time started as seconds, that turned into minutes, then hours, then the whole day was gone.

Now, after a full day of piano playing, drawing, dancing and playing between the three of them, William was now upstairs sound asleep in his own bed as Jace and Clary sat on the couch downstairs.

"You can't possibly think that Jack is a villain! He likes nougat for Raziels sake!" Clary argued, throwing popcorn at Jace who sat next to her laughing.

"He's the son of Lucifer! He's bound to be evil!" Jace argued.

"We aren't defined by who our parents are. I thought we learned that lesson years ago, Herondale."

"Well that only works in some cases!" Jace continued, refusing to be wrong.

"If we were defined by who our parents are that means I could've ended up like Valentine."

The air suddenly turns serious "You could never be like him."

"I could've. If my mom never took me away. I mean look at Sebastian."

Jace grabbed at her hand "I promise you never could, because unlike Valentine you're pure of heart. You're determined, stubborn, selfless, a bright light in an never ending sea of darkness. You're too beautiful inside and out, untouched by darkness. You're what darkness fears because you're too pure."

Claris Fairchild stared into his eyes, her heart feeling as if it was glowing in a familiar feeling "You really mean that."

"I do."

They stared into each other's eyes, both leaning into each other until their faces were only a mere inch apart.

Neither knew who made the move first because it happened so quickly, but somehow there lips had met in a kiss....

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