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"Please, Guys! I have to get out of town!" Clary pleaded.

After seeing Jace for the first time in five years she immediately went into a panic. Running back to her house and packing up all of her stuff, ready to run yet again. But of course her two best friends, Cameron and Gabrielle, were standing in front of the door of Gabrielle and Clary's house, preventing her from leaving. Clary had also tried making a portal but they took all her steles.

"You know we can't do that, Emmy..." Cameron said in an almost teasing tone.

The short girl rolled her eyes at the nickname. Cameron had given her that nickname when they first met. It was originally Emerald because of the color of her eyes, but he shortened it to Emmy instead.

"Why not?!" Clary cried.

"You need to face him sooner or later, Clary!" Gabrielle spoke.

"Yeah well, I chose later!" Clary yelled trying to lunge for the door, only to be stopped and pushed back gently by Cameron.

"We told you that you would have to face him sooner or later 4 years ago, Clary. You said later then. It's later now." Gabby spoke softly.

The Fairchild closed her eyes, breathing in deeply, trying hard not to cry. She knew that Gabby was right, she was being a coward. Although she had accepted the fact that Jace had actually cheated on her, she was still angry and hurt. In her silent thinking she finally decided that she would take that pain and turn it into to confidence.

I can't let him have power over me. Not again...

With that final thought she opened her eyes to look at her two best friends of 5 years with a smirk painted on her pink lips.

"Alright. Let's show Jace exactly what he lost..."


I looked at myself in the mirror checking over myself one last time. I wore one of Gabby's black crop tops I stole and refused to give back, matching ripped jeans, and some black heels that made me taller than I actually was. I curled long my silver hair in perfect ringlets going down my back. For my finishing touch I had blood red lipstick smeared skillfully across my lips.

Izzy would be proud! I think to myself with a smile.

"You can do this. Jace means nothing, and you won't fall into his trap again. You're stronger than you know, Clarissa Fairchild." I whisper encouragingly to myself.

With one less deep breath, I leave my apartment building and make my way down the streets of New Orleans.

||3rd Person||

The statue of a tall man walked the streets of New Orleans, nobody able to see his figure since he had his invisibility rune activated.

His amber eyes said that his mind was in an entirely different place. The thing that he was thinking about, that has been plaguing his mind for the past five years was one person. A person by the name, Clarissa Fairchild.

It pained him to even think about her not because of bad memories, but because of what he did five years ago that pained him. What he did that made her leave his life and disappear forever.

A snarl pulled the Herondale from his thoughts. Looking into the alley beside him he saw a large demon lurking in the shadows pinning down a young woman with pink hair. Jace pulled his blade from his belt and whispers it's name.

"Uriel." He lunged at the demon. He swung his blade and managed to cut the demons skin. The creature howled in pain, turning around to face the Herondale. The woman saw that as an opportunity to run off and save her own life.

The demon-angered that his meal got away-lunged for the shadowhunter. Jace dodge it's attack and continued to swing at it, not wanting to kill it just yet. It was just a game of cat and mouse, until the demon got the upper hand by smacking away Jace's blade.

Jace and the demon stared at each other, challenging one another to make the first move. But it seemed they both had to much pride.

A loud whistle broke the to apart form there staring contest. Jace looked behind the demon to see a women in all black clothing and silver hair. The woman was to far away for Jace to see her face clearly.

"I'd like a fight." She smiled at the demon. The demon growled and ran at the women.

The female smirked and slid underneath when it attempted to attack her. Quickly, she whipped out her seraph blade.

"Gabriel." She whispered to the blade. The demon growled at her and ran at her again. Ready this time, she ran towards it with a battle cry.

To Jace it was a blur of black and sliver. It seemed that the mysterious women was completely sure with her every move. The sound of her seraph blade slicing at the demons flesh was echoed through the alley. Jace was too shocked to even step in and help. There was something so familiar about the woman he couldn't put his finger on.

Suddenly, the demon whipped it's disgusting tentacle at her, throwing the blade from her hand. The mysterious woman with silver hair huffed, annoyed at the demon "Alright, enough games. It's time I finished this."

Jace furrowed his eyebrows once he heard the woman's voice. It seemed so familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on where he remembered it.

With a grunt of determination, she ran at the demon. The creature attempting to grab her, but she slid under its legs. The woman jumped on it's back before it could turn around, wrapping her legs around its neck. Then she reached behind her and pulled out a second blade from her belt.

"Always got to make sure to keep a second blade. CASTIEL!" She yelled, the blade lighting up before she plunged it into the demons chest. The evil creature exploded into black and orange ashes dead. The woman fell gracefully to the ground, her silver hair preventing Jace from seeing her face.

The woman stood and fixed her posture as she wiped ash from her clothes, Jace watching intently. Putting her blade away, she blew her hair from in front of her face.

"Clary..." Jace whispered in shock.

Startled, Clary Fairchild finally looked up, noticing her former lover. Laughing slightly, she put a smug face on and smiled.

"Hello, Love. It's been awhile."

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But I just wanted to show you that Clary's back and she's gonna be betta than ever!!


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