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||3rd Person Point of View...||

"They're really good." Clary acknowledge, snuggling deeper into Jace's arms as she watched the short man paint his portrait on the sidewalk.

"Not as good as you." Jace whispered in her ear. Clary smiled and hugged her lovers arms that were wrapped tightly around her waist. Jace ducked his head down, pressing soft kisses to her pale neck, making her sigh in content, the tenseness leaving her body with each kiss.

"Come on, we still have one more thing to do before we end the night."

Clary furrowed her brows and turned around, Jace's arms still wrapped around her waist "What do you mean? We've took shots, danced, painted, we even sung karaoke for Raziel's sake. What else could we possibly do?"

The Herondale unwrapped his arms from her waist, dragging her down the street by her hand "You'll see."

They walked for awhile, seeming like hours in the comfortable silence they had been consumed in until they had finally reached their destination.

Clary furrowed her eyebrows, a look of confusion in her face "The institute?"

Jace looked down at her, smiling widely as he took her smaller hand in his "Yes, come on." Together, they made their way into the institute, going through many corridors and up many stairs. Clary, being in the institute numerous times before quickly figured out where they were headed. Once they reached their destination, Jace covered her eyes and awkwardly walked them forward.

"Jace, can I uncover my eyes now? I'm going to fall if you keep trying to walk me." Clary complained, attempting to pry Jaces longs hands from her eyes.

"Oh please, I would never let you fall, and we're here anyway." said Jace, finally removing his hands from her eyes. A smile came across her face as she found the most heart-warming sight. "This is the upgraded version of our first date."

Clary turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck, "So you admit, it was a date."

Jace laughed, making the fiery redhead's smile grow wider "Yes, I admit."

After all these years, Clary was still the only one other than Alec and Isabelle that made him genuinely laugh. She still made him feel awestruck after all this time. They had come a long way, they met when they were younger, fell in love, fell apart, and now they were back, both had changed and matured and everything was even better than it was 5 years ago. And they both knew it as they stared into each other's eyes deeply. Clarissa brought her hand up to remove the golden strand that fell in front of his eyes "I love it. And I love you."

"I love you, too." Jace smiled, showing that one crooked tooth that made Clary flashback to when she first noticed it. She had described it as a chip in his armor, showing that he wasn't as perfect as he seemed. They both sat on their picnic blanket next to the familiar midnight flowers. They didn't even eat, they just sat on the blanket, Clary between Jace's legs and his arms wrapped around her shoulders as they waited. Midnight was approaching, and they both knew it.

After awhile, Jace turned Clary around, and with a determined look on his face, took her in his arms, and kissed her.

Her whole body sang, the way it always did when they kissed. She could never get enough, or grow tired of their kisses. She didn't think Jace did either. At least from the way he held her, as if each time could be the last. They finally pulled apart to breathe.

"Wow," She said, running her small fingers through the golden hair on the nose of his neck, making herself comfortable on his lap "Since when are you such a hopeless romantic."

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