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||3rd Person Point of View||

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear William, happy birthday too you!" Clary sung softly in her sons ears, waking him down his sleep.

"Hi, mommy." He greeted sleepily, but cheerfully nonetheless.

"Hi, mr. Sweetface. What do you want for breakfast?" Clary smiled, brushing his one fiery red strand form his face.

William sat up and cling to his mothers arm "Can we make blueberry pancakes!?"

"Of course we can."

Together they left Williams bedroom and head to the kitchen where his godmother, Gabrielle, stood with a mug of coffee.

"Hey, buddy!" Gabby greeted, scooping the boy up form the ground "How does it feel to finally be 5 years old."

"Awesome! Now I can stay up past my bedtime now!"

"Woah, Mr. Sweetface," Clary laughed, taking pancake mix out "I never agreed to that."

"Cameron said I would get to stay past my bedtime." Will pouted just as Cameron walked out from Gabby's room.

"Will, you weren't supposed or say I told you that!" Cameron scolded playfully.

"Sorry, Cameron." Will said, sheepishly "You can have some of my pancakes.

"Thanks, bud." Cameron ruffled his hair before setting him down in his seat.

Clary set a plate of fluffy pancakes in front of him as she set next to him "Guess what?"

"What?" He asked, a mouth full of pancakes.

Clary laughed as she pushed his growing hair from his eyes "We are all going to stay home and watch movies in our pajamas."

"Can we eat gummy worms?!"

"Well, That would ruin your appetite for my delicious chocolate cake." said Gabby.

"You're making me a cake?!"

"Of course." Gabby scoffed.

||8 Hours Later...||

After 7 movies, 3 pints of ice cream, cake, a dance party, and an unofficial art contest, everyone was asleep except Clary Fairchild. The New Orleans night was dark and peaceful, even though it was late where there would usually be a party.

Gabrielle and Cameron were cuddled on the many blankets and pillows on the floor, while Clary laid on the couch with William cuddled to her chest. She smiled lovingly as she stroked his hair, humming the tune of 'Happy Birthday'.

"I love you, Mr. Sweetface. Always and forever. We may not have your father, but I'm here, and I promise that I will always protect you with everything I have. Even it kills me."

And then she opened her eyes.

In honor of my birthday today I have written this special chapter for all mi readers.

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