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I sat nervously at the bar as I waited for her to walk in, nesting my drink between my hands. Five years. It's been five years since I had last seen her. And the fact that I was going to see her again made me want to burst into tears.


I gasp when I hear her voice behind me. It sounds just the same but with a new tone of maturity behind it. Turning around, I smile and almost burst out crying when I saw her.

"Clary!" I exclaim as I take her in my arms and hug her tight, tears now freely streaming down my face.

"I need air, Iz." Clary laughed, patting on my back.

"Sorry." I laugh, pulling back and wiping my tears "I just missed you."

"I know. I missed you too." Clary smiled.

"Enough of that. Look at you! You look amazing!" I gush, taking in her new appearance. Her once fiery unruly curls were now a gleaming silver and she held herself in a different way-in confidence.

We both sit down at the bar, Clary ordering herself a lemonade. We talk for a long time about what's been happening back home and how awesome it was that she's been living here. It felt nice to have the physical Clary again. Of course we had talked on the phone secretly but she would never tell me where she was or anything personal anymore.

"How's the love of your life?" I ask teasingly. Months after Clary had left New York, she told me she had met the love of her life but wouldn't tell me anything about them at all.

I notice Clary tense up and take a deep breath, counting her glass tightly "I don't know." She whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, Izzy. They went-" She paused "missing two and a half years ago and I've been trying to find them."

"Clary, I'm so sorry." I apologize. I didn't know anything about this love of her life but by the way she talked about him on the phone I could tell she really cared for him.

"It's not your fault." She whispered.

"Clary? Izzy?" A familiar voice questioned behind us.

We turn to be met with my brother, standing very confused and amazed.

Clary sighed tiredly "What do you want, Jace?"

"I-I-I wanted to talk to you." He stuttered.

Clary scoffed before she burst out laughing, getting out of her chair to walk towards my brother "What could you possibly say to me?"

"I want to explain myself."

"Explain what? On why you cheated on me? In our bed. On my birthday." Clary sassed.

Jace gulped nervously and met Clary's eyes "Yes."

I watch carefully as Clary stared at him, not saying a word. Then she suddenly turned to me with a bored look on her face.

"Mardi Gras. 7 O' Clock. Don't be late, love." She told me before walking around Jace and out of the bar, silver hair swinging behind her.

▬▬▬ ▬▬▬

I know. My chapters are short and trashy but get ready for the incoming drama to come.

I'm sorry that I'm barely updating I've been trying to focus on my other Mortal Instruments book that I'll be publishing in the summer. So just stick around I'll promise I'll get better.


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